Character Snapshot (Inspired by Cail)

100 Draenei Shaman
Hello everyone. I saw that Cail had posted an MRP Snapshot and I felt inspired to include Ketyru's here as well. Plus, I have writer's block and maybe this will help. Maybe.

Name: Ketyru (Zatia Halfblade) Pathwander

[Race: of Halforcen descent. Calls herself Halforcen.*

Age: 83 years

Height: Six feet, one inch

Weight: Two hundred twenty-five pounds, well muscled with soft curves.

Eyes: Glowing yellow with black ring around iris, bleeding inward to create illusion of fractured pupil.

Hair: Naturally a reddish-brown, though she often bleaches it completely white. It curls gently at the ends and hangs down to her waist. She often braids it back or wears it in a tail.

Complexion: Light brown skin mottled with dark indigo patches and lighter scars. Dark brown freckles all over body. Dark brown extremities.

Physicality: She appears, at first, to be some manner of Draenei, perhaps even one of the Broken. However, closer inspection will reveal the blended features of Orcish and Draenic origins. Her upper and lower canines are exaggerated, but her horns and tail are both extremely diminished. Her ears are pointed, and she has a habit of twitching and moving them. Her shoulders are broad and her arms are well muscled. Her core, however, is softer and gives no doubt to her femininity. Her legs most closely resemble that of an Orc's, though her feet are elongated and her toes appear more like claws, or even small hooves.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. She only truly cares about those who show her kindness and loyalty. She would gladly give her last breath for any she considers family, but feels no regrets turning her weapons on an acquaintance.

Persona: Ket is a deeply loving, yet scarred person. She does not easily trust, but those in her inner circle are privy to a highly affectionate, deeply emotional creature. This also, however, manifests as a quick and unforgiving brutality against her enemies and an apathy towards strangers.

* I say 'of Halforcen descent' because Ketyru does not yet know the truth of her genetic heritage. Through clever, and necessary, deception, she was raised to believe her father was an Orc and her mother a Draenei. This is untrue on both accounts. Her parentage is, in fact, far rarer even than that.
This was an unintentional revelation on my part, because when I began roleplaying Ket seriously, she was simply half and half. Over time, she has evolved and presented to me an even more complex history than I could have hoped for. Needless to say, this often causes me great headache.
They say the best characters write themselves, though, so I make little to no effort to reign Ketyru in. Most will know by now that all of my other characters are quite simple in comparison. But Ketyru demands to be nothing less than herself, no matter my objections.
So, here I shall reveal her parentage for the first time in public forum.

Mika - Dorun (Shadowmoon Orcs, though Azati would forever claim to be Warsong once exiled)
Azati Nighthowl - Haraad of Karabor // Siobhaan of Telaar - Ma'dok Shieldthrower
Krondorl Halftooth --- Zeradane - Lodai of Shattrath
Zatia Halfblade (Ketyru Pathwander) / Duraan

Anyways. This was fun and I hope you all enjoyed reading!
Edited by Ketyrü on 5/3/2015 1:17 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
\o/ +100!
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100 Gnome Priest
This was extremely informative. A lot of great insight. Sitting on the periphery as I have from time to time, I get to see certain characters interact and witness portions of different stories unfold. Even if I'm not involved it's great to have this kind of background knowledge available. It often helps frame the bits and pieces of rp that I witness (and stories I read) in their proper context, and honestly it helps spark more interest for the characters and stories.

Thanks a bunch for putting this up for us to read! ^.^
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100 Draenei Shaman
^-^ Thanks Cail! And, if y'all have any questions about Ket, I'll happily answer them if I can
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100 Gnome Priest
*taps foot and glances at pocket watch*
That's should be long enough of a wait.

o/ *raises hand in the air*
Ooo! I have a question!

05/03/2015 01:17 PMPosted by Ketyrü
Mika - Dorun (Shadowmoon Orcs, though Azati would forever claim to be Warsong once exiled)
Azati Nighthowl - Haraad of Karabor // Siobhaan of Telaar - Ma'dok Shieldthrower
Krondorl Halftooth --- Zeradane - Lodai of Shattrath
Zatia Halfblade (Ketyru Pathwander) / Duraan

If I am understanding this correctly, Mika and Dorun are both orc. Their daughter (?) joined with a Draenei. What's the "//" mean, and how do Siobhaan & Ma'dok relate?
Azati (f-orc) and Haraad (m-drae) begat Krondorl, who would be the true 'half-orc' in this line. It looks like Lodai is also Draenei, and if so then that would make Zatia 1/4 orc.

Does that sound right? ...or where am I going wrong?
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