The Adventures of Turwinkle!

56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle here to announce a fun new series called Timeout with Turwinkle: Road to Blizzcon! A great series that Turwinkle will be doing as we get closer and closer to Blizzcon!

We will discuss all the fun plans we have, the ups and downs, the anxiety, the excitement as Blizzcon grows nearer!

In this first episode, we talk about our initial plans for the event and I answer a couple of questions from some awesome folks!

If you have some questions for ole Turwinkle to answer (or try to at the very least) you can leave them here on this thread or on Twitter via #TimeoutTurwinkle.

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and join Turwinkle for a few minutes today! :P
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in the final episode of the Tournament of Ages 2015! We watch some melee combat, see more booths and the medical tent! We also go to the Tournament of Ages Ball and Transmog contest!

We also get a chance to speak with the Tournament of Ages Staff about what they thought went well, what they can do better for next year and a favorite moment from this years event!

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and cuddle up to all the Tournament of Ages and Turwinkle goodness!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in the final episode of the Tournament of Ages 2015! We watch some melee combat, see more booths and the medical tent! We also go to the Tournament of Ages Ball and Transmog contest!

We also get a chance to speak with the Tournament of Ages Staff about what they thought went well, what they can do better for next year and a favorite moment from this years event!

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and cuddle up to all the Tournament of Ages and Turwinkle goodness!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in a brand new episode of the Adventures of Turwinkle, the Gnome Mage! In this fun new episode we find our hero sitting down with some story tellers as they regal us with different versions of how they defeated the evil Deathwing!

A very funny quest!

With stories told, Turwinkle heads back to Dragon's Mouth and is tasked with supplying the camp with meat and cloth from the Dustbelcher Ogres! With George at his side, our heroes head out and complete the task at hand.

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and cuddle up to all the Turwinkle goodness!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in a brand new Turwinkle Talks episode with special guest, the Nor'Kure! A great all Draenei guild!

Come learn all about this guild! We find what kind of guild it is, how to get in, what their rules are, what their ranks are, what events they participate in, what their current story line is and what the members have to say about this fun guild!

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and enjoy all the Turwinkle and Nor'Kure goodness! :D
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back with a brand new Turwinkle Talks episode with Gaandelinn! A fun Irish RPer!

We learn all about his RP history, a bit about his RP style, his backstory for his character, a bit about him IRL, some advice to new RPers and a great shout-out at the end!

So come and join us, won't you?

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and enjoy all the Gaandelinn and Turwinkle goodness!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in a new Turwinkle talks episode with a great guild called Resolve!
Come and join us as we learn all about this horde side guild! We learn what kind of guild they are, what their backstory is, how you can join them, what to expect when you have made it in as far as rules are concerned, what kind of events they do and what they are currently up to in their story arc! We also hear from some of their members as to what they like about being in the guild.

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and snuggle up to all the Turwinkle and Resolve goodness!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! A lot of fun coming up here soon for Turwinkle and You! We will be continuing our fun adventures in the game with ep. 131! We have a fun new guild interview in a new Turwinkle Talks episode..The Warforged Legion! Next up will be a one on one talk with Feloirus!

So lots of great stuff! Coming to you soon! \o/
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in a brand new Adventures of Turwinkle, the Gnome Mage. In this fun-filled Adventure Turwinkle leaves Dragon's Mouth in the Badlands and heads out to the Searing Gorge! Our heroes are tasked with helping the Thorium Brotherhood. Up first they are given the quests to find out who is behind the Dark Iron Dwarves and their plots within the Searing Gorge. With that done, They are tasked to help the Thorium Brotherhood get ready for the upcoming war between the two faction.

Come and join us, won't you?

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and cuddle up to all the Turwinkle goodness!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle here to let you all know of a brand new episode of Turwinkle Talks with special guest, the guild called the Warforged Legion!

Come sit and listen as we discuss the history behind the guild, how to get into the guild, what the rules and ranks are, what guild events they run and their current story line. We also get to hear from the folks within the guild itself about what they enjoy about the Warforged Legion.

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and settle down to all the Turwinkle and the Warforged Legion goodness!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in a brand new Turwinkle Talks episode with Xortz of Wrymrest Accord and host of the Wrymcast podcast! In this episode we discuss all about Xortz Role Play, a little about him in real life, some great advice to new Rpers out there and a fun shout-out!

So come and join us as we find out all about this wonderful Role Play!

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and snuggle up to all the Turwinkle and Xortz goodness!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle here with a message about the upcoming Gnome Run 2015! So come and get all the details in this little episode for this awesome upcoming charity event for Breast Cancer Awareness!

So take a few minutes to find out how you can come and participate!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Road to Blizzcon episode 2 is here! Join Turwinkle as we talk about Blizzcon and more! Also I mention a little contest I am doing @ Blizzcon!

So come and relax as we discuss our upcoming schedule for Blizzcon and what to expect!

Hope to meet as many of you there as possible! :D
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in a new Turwinkle talks episode with a great guild called Te'Amun!
Come and join us as we learn all about this alliance side guild! We learn what kind of guild they are, what their backstory is, how you can join them, what to expect when you have made it in as far as rules are concerned, what kind of events they do and what they are currently up to in their story arc! We also hear from some of their members as to what they like about being in the guild.

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and snuggle up to all the Turwinkle and Te'Amun goodness!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Well, what an event this year, eh? Oh I am so proud of each and everyone of you that came and participated in this years Running of the Gnomes event! We have raised over $3000 dollars so far for the Cleveland Clinic! Without you folks coming and running it could not have been possible! A HUGE thank you to Dravvie and the crew for making it all happen and run as smoothly as it did! These folks deserve all the praise for making this years event sooo very good!

If you would like to donate you still can! Go to: for all the info on how to do so!

Turwinkle did indeed run again this year! As always I had a great time! Joining me this year was Tarcanus Frostborne and Xortz!

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and cuddle up to all the Turwinkle and Running of the Gnomes 2015 goodness! \o/
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100 Pandaren Warrior
Bloody hell!!
Episode 122?? Will definitely take a loooong time to watch all the previous ones!
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56 Gnome Mage
10/26/2015 08:44 AMPosted by Siwáng
Bloody hell!!
Episode 122?? Will definitely take a loooong time to watch all the previous ones!
LOL! Um..I am up to 131 now..but they are all a bit of fun! :P Well, those and all the interviews and events as well..It is quite a bit of content!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back in part two of the Running of the Gnomes 2015! In this episode, we make our way from Stormwind to Booty Bay! Then a dangerous trip across the sea, to try and get to Vol'jin! Does Tarwinkle, Tarc and Xortz make it? Come and find out!

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and cuddle up to all the Gnome Run fun!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks! Turwinkle is back with a new Turwinkle Talks episode with the Horde-side guild called the Masks of Nyarlathotep!

Come and learn all about their dark past and present! Find out how you can join, what their rules and ranks are! Learn about their guild events and story-arc! Here from people who are currently in the guild! All this and more!

So grab a soda, your favorite snack and snuggle up to all the Masks of Nyarlathtep and Turwinkle fun!
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56 Gnome Mage
Hi-ho folks a quick little note about Turwinkle's upcoming trip to Blizzcon 2015! Check out this short little episode with Turwinkle as we discuss the meet up and the Con before the Storm! More to come in the next couple of days as well! Remember! Please let me know, what questions, as role players would you like me to ask the Dev's at Blizzcon?

Talk more on this tomorrow! :D
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