[H-Weekly] Walking with the Elements

100 Tauren Shaman
Walking with the Elements

Join us, as Thaettir Swiftwater, shaman, presents a weekly lesson in how the Elements shape both our lives, and the world around us, as well as insights into Shamanism for both the non-shaman and the shaman-in-training.

Our location will vary from week to week. Lessons will be presented at locations including Shaman shrines, places of elemental importance, or other locations that help to enhance the elemental lesson of the week. Some actual walking may be required.

This week’s lesson will be located at Spirit Rock, in the Valley of Trials, Durotar.

The first Walking with the Elements will be on Monday, May 11th, at 7pm server Contact Thaettir for more information.
Edited by Thaettir on 5/10/2015 6:15 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Shaman
Someone had left a note atop the paperwork on Kezrin's desk... she plucked it off with a sigh as she sat down.

Just when had she rated her own desk? The bossgnome didn't even have a desk!

The note was actually a folded up flyer; she found herself actually interested after the first couple of lines. She still didn't really think of herself as a "shaman" despite lessons from Vi'ta and Olu, so maybe she just needed to do more...ah...shamany-type things.

But first, time to tackle of the office-running-type things...
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
He narrowed his gaze as he looked down at the announcement. He made certain to keep tabs on all ongoings of Homeland. Some old habits could not be broken. "Francil!" He called, the servant coming in quickly.

Francil stood at the ready, "Yessir?"

Trenetir held up the notice about the event, "Monday night, you have plans. This ... Walking with the Elements hosted by Homeland. You need to be there, and tell me everything.

"Yessir, of course sir." Francil did not need to be told who or what he was supposed to be watching. He knew.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Seated at the map table in the great hall of his fortress on Draenor, Taeril'hane Ketiron raised an eyebrow over his half-moon spectacles as he read the flyer, brought by a courier from Warspear. "We seem to be getting a lot of these gatherings as the spring advances on Azeroth," he said to his bodyguard captain, Lazhna Trueflight. "The lounge in Stranglethorn, this gathering of storytellers in Thunder Bluff, Da Doctas and their clinic in Orgrimmar...and even a few things we missed in Silvermoon, while we were stuck here on business." He chuckled as he handed the parchment over to her.

Lazhna read it with a curious expression of her own. "Shamanism seems to play a central role in the Horde, General," she said after a moment. "Little wonder, after events in Durotar, that they need a reminder."

"Quite so," Ketiron agreed. "Is Thek'la still playing wolf-on-the-snow-dunes?"

"I believe he is."

"Well, if he comes in, be sure to show him that." He removed his glasses and stowed them in a small pouch at his belt.

"And where will you be?"

"I'm heading back to Azeroth...business to attend to before I check in at Hardwrench tonight. Don't worry," he said with a smile, raising a hand to forestall her inevitable protest, "I will be well guarded."

Lazhna nodded tightly, as the general walked across the courtyard to the tower where the House Guard magi kept a portal open to Warspear...
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100 Goblin Shaman
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100 Tauren Shaman
Walking with the Elements

Join us this week as we continue our introduction into the Shamanic arts with a lesson about fire.

This week's lesson will begin at the southwest corner of the Southfury Watershed, Durotar.
There will be walking involved this week.

Monday, May 18th, 2015 at 7pm server.
Contact Thaettir for more information.
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100 Tauren Shaman
Walking with the Elements

Join us this week as we continue our introduction into the Shamanic arts with a lesson about water.

This week's lesson will be located at the Tidus Stair; on the coast of Northern Barrens, just south of Ratchet.

Traveling by land may involve some combat.

Monday, May 25th, 2015 at 7pm server.
Contact Thaettir for more information.
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100 Tauren Shaman
Walking with the Elements

Join us this week as we conclude the young Shaman's journey with a discussion of Air.

This week's lesson will be located at the Shaman Stone two needles southeast of the Weathered Nook in Thousand Needles.

Monday, May 25th, 2015 at 7pm server.
Coordinates (61,50) on the Thousand Needles map; the largest of the 4 needles closest to the speed barge.
Transportation should be available for people with no aerial capabilities.
Contact Thaettir for more information and/or a calendar invite.
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100 Tauren Shaman
Walking with the Elements

Join us this week as we discuss the Spirit of Life, most mysterious of the elemental spirits.

This week's lesson will be located just below the Shrine of the Fallen Warrior in Northern Barrens.

Monday, June 8th, 2015 at 7pm server.
Coordinates (41,58) on the Northern Barrens map. Nearest FP is in the Crossroads.
Contact Thaettir for more information and/or a calendar invite.
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100 Draenei Mage
(( How am I -just- noticing this? I'm terrible, truly. Can I list this event cross server? ))
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100 Tauren Shaman
06/07/2015 03:23 PMPosted by Zaranae
(( How am I -just- noticing this? I'm terrible, truly. Can I list this event cross server? ))

((I suppose it would be okay. It may be slightly problematic, though, since it's in a different location every week. That, and it may end up wandering into a non-CRZ-zone (though that's probably less likely to happen.)))
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100 Tauren Shaman
Walking with the Elements

Join us this week as special guest Vi'ta talks about shamansim from the Troll perspective.

This week's lesson will be located at the Temple of Bethekk, Northern Stranglethorn.

Monday, June 15th, 2015 at 7pm server.
Located in non-instanced Zul'Gurub, Northern Stranglethorn. Travel to the site for earthbound participants will be arranged from Bambala, which is also the closest FP.
Contact Thaettir for more information and/or a calendar invite.
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100 Tauren Shaman
Walking with the Elements

Join us for this week's lesson, which will be located at Elwynn Falls, Elwynn Forest.

Friday, June 26th, 2015 at 7pm server.
Flight required to reach the location. Nearest FP is Flamestar Post, just south of Blackrock Mountain in the Burning Steppes. Anyone too low lvl to reach this FP should seek arrangements for transportation ahead of time.
Contact Thaettir for more information and/or a calendar invite.
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100 Tauren Shaman
((Not feeling well this evening, so this week's Walking will be postponed until next Friday, same location and time. Sorry for the short notice!))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((feel better!))
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