Beginner Leveling RP

11 Dwarf Paladin
Oi! I'm going Alliance and Dwarf on a RP server! Anyone care to join me in RP and leveling?

I don't need a whole group but it would be very cool! Let's use no BoA's and quest the whole way to 100! A whole lifetime of RP awaits!

The theory? We learn the World of Warcraft as we play! Our characters know nothing except their simple backgrounds previous the start of the first quest. The quests will tell us the story, we simply react with our fellow players/friends and complete or move to a new zone!

Looking for new roleplayers or experienced, doesn't matter. Our characters will be simple in the start and the quests will guide us to our destiny. We'll follow those storylines.

We can make a guild, support each other with professions and specializations, and overall have a blast RPing the class and races Blizzard has put in the game for us to enjoy!

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100 Human Priest
I'm sure you will find some excellent company in your adventures, I would be happy to join you along the way but as time becomes hectic in the summers for me with family and guild commitments I don't want to commit to something unless I can carry through.
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100 Dwarf Warrior
I like it, I did something similar to this with some friends years ago but sadly never made it to cap with them. I would be interested in doing something like this if the play time is something that would work for all that partake in the event. Besides gives me an excuse to roll another dwarf.
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11 Dwarf Paladin
I have six people so far that say they would like to participate. So eh, to keep things moving along, which server would you be wanting to play on if you had a vote in the decision?

As well, which time zone are you from and when will you roughly, of course, be able to play in this RP?

Just to get a grip on some RP stuff, what will you be rolling as far as class and character backgrounds and current positions in the world? What kinds of characters are in our RP, basically.

This is so that I can better work to make the custom elements of the RP easily.
Edited by Sowy on 5/10/2015 12:02 PM PDT
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11 Dwarf Paladin
Alright, Everyone! About 10 players have shown interest, i'm not sure what will happen we will have to see who comes through in the end.

I take it that most of you would like to play on the weekends or have the most free time then. I think we should set up an in-game meet this coming Friday or Saturday to meet each other's characters and set up some kind of beginning to our play.

I'll add everyone who posted their battle tag and try to get in contact with you for more information.

Thank you all for the support, I hope to see some grumpy and tired, cheerful and pepped up, or even evil and betraying faces soon!
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100 Troll Hunter
I'm down.
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11 Dwarf Paladin
Alright people there were four of us online today including me, a good sign that people who post interest do actually play the game ;P Just kidding, everyone! Aha!

So, depending on when everyone is online we may just be meeting up within the next few days. I have to say, I am very happy with the way this is looking.

There may be even too many people interested and we will have to start two groups... maybe one group horde and one alliance and we can be rivals in the same leveling zones?! Haha... getting ahead of myself.

It's possible that two groups on the same faction will work, they can fill in for each other as well as support the other group in various ways. At this point i've seen four of you online, three today at the same time. Things are looking good :D

We have two Worgen one a Warlock or a Priest, A Dwarf Shaman, and some undecided characters waiting to pick something we won't have!

It's been decided that we will play on WRA and meet at around level 10 so everyone can get out of their starting zones!
Edited by Sowy on 5/11/2015 3:05 PM PDT
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11 Dwarf Paladin
Guys what are your Btags we're looking for more.

it's very late and i am tired as hell sorry for grammer.

Or message me at Clarka#1253
Edited by Sowy on 5/12/2015 2:31 AM PDT
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