B&B Cafe Special Notice [5/10/15]

98 Night Elf Druid
There will NOT be a B&B Cafe event on Saturday night.

Instead, the B&B Cafe will be hosting a Mother's Day Brunch. We'll be operating from the Golden Keg Tavern in Dwarven District, Stormwind City. We open at 11am realm time and close at 1pm realm time.
This week's special is Big and Baby Bagels, with berries and cream cheese on the side. Also, we'll be serving coffee, tea, mead, wine and milk. Other entre`s include crepes, danishes, waffle sundaes and rootbeer floats.

Next week we'll resume our normal schedule. The special for 5/16/15 will be Whole Grain bagels with Spicy Pulled Pork and BBQ sauce. meals come with a Summer Ale or Citrus Mead, patrons choice.

Thanks! Can't wait to see you there!

Remember, at the B&B Cafe: You never know who you're gonna meet, or what you're gonna eat!
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100 Human Priest
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100 Draenei Mage
Hey Bremm, is the cafe still at the same time on Saturday? I heard from someone who couldn't find it.

Thanks a bunch! ♡
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100 Draenei Shaman
The B&B Cafe will be moving to a new night, actually. Since I work on Saturdays now, I just don't have the energy to commit to such a late event on the usual night anymore. There's a very good chance we'll be opening a 7pm AFTER Sermon on Wednesdays OR 7pm on Mondays, after Clinic/Troub. These are really my only free nights right now.

The Cafe is now held in the Golden Keg in Dwarven District, Stormwind due to conflicting interest for the empty pub across from the flight master in Ironforge.

We'll be skipping this week to see which night works best and then reopen the Cafe in June.

Thanks for asking!
Edited by Ketyrü on 5/25/2015 6:35 AM PDT
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