Riding a wave of happiness

100 Draenei Mage
I'm so happy, I just have to tell the whole world.

Feathers tavern tonight was amazing; so many people came and I would like to thank all of you.

It's been really busy lately, and I love it <3

If you've never stopped by, please do, it's a lot of fun!

Also, Kirstiah and Cecilye will be at the Pig and Whistle tomorrow after the Conclave sermon, so come by for more hosted-tavern fun! I'd like everyone who came to make the opening last week a success. I'll hopefully be posting something for that event on the forums once I run something past Cecilye.

Let's get it going!

Thank you Cenarion Circle- Sisters of Elune for being amazing <333
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100 Human Paladin
I should note that this week's is a Draenor chapel.
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100 Gnome Priest
\o/ *confetti* !
Congrats :D
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