Dragon backstory (CRIT NEEDED)


85 Night Elf Warrior
I'd rather have you explain these things since it's hard for me to organize thoughts.

/Devil's advocate hat
85 Worgen Druid
Yes, I will have to try and stay out of Stormwind for the majority of the time with this character.

The elemental bracers thing is amazingly cool. I'll be sure to download Tongues.

And as for Elementals being non-intelligent, for lack of better terms, I like to think that the dragon-esque elementals are granted more wisdom from their superiors in order to be able to behave like real dragons. (After all, the Sandstone drakes in-game do behave exactly like real dragons).
85 Worgen Druid
Also, I realize that WoWpedia states that they are elementals, but I remember reading somewhere that they were originally members of the Black Dragonflight, and something happened to them to make them rock-like. Seems like something like this could happen because the exact opposite happened to the Ram'kahen.

Not saying you're wrong, but is there anywhere actually in-game or in the books that states that they are, in fact, elementals? I had chosen the name Savrion because it is structured like a name of a dragon from the black flight.
85 Night Elf Warrior
01/05/2011 4:41 PMPosted by Drektal
I haven't seen it ingame, but I'd be willing to accept it as true. It seems more plausible because this is the first time anyone has entered Deepholm. Black Dragons have never been there.

Except for Neltharion(Deathwing) himself. He -may- have brought some members of his flight with him, but seeing as there are no Black Flight dragons in Deepholm, I would say he did not.
85 Worgen Druid
01/05/2011 6:59 PMPosted by Drektal

Except for Neltharion(Deathwing) himself. He -may- have brought some members of his flight with him, but seeing as there are no Black Flight dragons in Deepholm, I would say he did not.

It's not likely. Deathwing abandoned his old flight to a certain degree. Although they're still loyal to him, which is why they're still around. If he would bring any dragons with him, it would be twilight dragons and he actually did. It's also my understanding that twilight dragons are simply drakes from other flights that Deathwing and the Twilight's Hammer corrupted.

But even if the stone drakes were any other kind of drake before then I think it would be emphasized upon more at some point over the course of the Deepholm questline.

Alright. I am considering role playing him as a member of a separate flight (stone), for reasons I'm sure you both can understand. While an elemental DOES make more sense, the Stone drakes being a separate flight/corrupt flight, etc. is still possible.

I do not mean to alter lore or anything of the sort. But with no solid lore on these drakes I believe it could be up to interpretation.

85 Blood Elf Mage
In agreement with some of the earliest posts, I think you had a well written and thoughtful story. You even made an explanation for the saddle! However, there are two problems... the second of which Drektal and Slaye have already stressed.

1) Characterization - There isn't much of it in the story. It's a thoughtful story, but it lacks a character with emotion or a thought process we can relate to. This might be because your character was very helpless through his ordeals, and even when he was freed he became bound by honor for a life debt. I assume you're going to do some rewriting, perhaps you should make or leave room for the character's actions as an individual and the thought process behind them?

2) Lore - I'm not sure how much help I can be here. I'd strongly agree with Drektal, even if he can be blunt sometimes; that despite your good intentions for NOT breaking lore you would be making a large alteration to say he belongs to his own flight of stone dragons who don't personify the original creatures at all. This is taking a step in the complete wrong direction, and it makes me very sad to see this as your next resort, when clearly you're a good enough writer to find another way.

While I agreed with Drektal on the first point, I'd like to disagree on his latter point:
I'm a firm believer that almost anything can be roleplayed well, as long as it's roleplayed right.

I don't see it as a question of "can" at this point. Even the OP can see that Blizzard's stone drake isn't going to be fun to RP. We know how others will respond to a fan added dragonflight. I think the benefits are far outweighed by the creativity stifling disadvantages at this point. You certainly -can- but all it might do is hurt your believability and character depth.

Shiftia, in my humble opinion, I feel your talents would be much better spent and produce better rewards as role playing a race you can pick at the creation screen. Remember you can always incorporate the elements of your dragon's story if you want to. Maybe he won't come from Deepholm; but perhaps he was still manipulated, freed by another, and then left with a new start to find out his purpose.
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