[H] Summer Stock 2015 (and some [A])

100 Pandaren Rogue
It's that time of year again!

Playwright Irilin Duskwhisper
will be holding auditions for his new play

On Wings of Love

Auditions will be held at the Thunder Bluff Theater
beginning at 5 drums in the evening
at the beginning of week's end, first week of early summer

Auditioners should bring a short monologue to perform
Parts for 3 females and 2 males are available
Technical crew to be determined at a later date

Performance of the play will be around the end of summer.

Auditions will be on Friday, June 5th, starting at 5pm server in the big building on the Hunter's Rise in Thunder Bluff (where the hunter and warrior trainers are).

For Alliance folks:
Playwright Irilin Duskwhisper
announces the availability of his play

Wrath of a Goddess

for performance by any Alliance theater or troop
in a new Common translation by the author

Interested parties can send message via the AAMS to obtain the script.
Edited by Irilin on 5/22/2015 8:43 AM PDT
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100 Pandaren Rogue
((Gentle reminder that auditions are this Friday! Prep those monologues, and come audition! (Keep them in Orcish, though...)))
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94 Blood Elf Paladin
(( *But Thalassian is much more civilized and elegant* ))
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100 Human Paladin
[[For those looking for a script of last year's play it can be found here: http://ccsoe.org/wrath-of-a-goddess I anticipate now that I am on vacation that I shall have some video of the play up maybe this week before RL takes over]]
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100 Human Rogue
The Bards of the Lion will take on the Wrath of the Goddess, but we will also need some other people interested in helping us with the extra roles. Alliance members can send me a letter if interested.
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100 Draenei Mage
Zara could potentially be a maiden :D
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100 Human Rogue
Parts that are needed:
Major Cast -
Alune- wrathful moon goddess. Paladin or priest or shaman, prefer Night Elf, Draenei, or Worgen
Belore- lustful sun god. Any class, prefer Mage or Hunter for Firelands set.
Youth- young male adventurer, Druid preferred
Second Maiden - Alune's handmaiden, priest or Mage preferred

Minor Cast -
Narrator- speaks at beginning and end.
First Maiden - opening scene, prefer 475 herbalist
Third Maiden- one line, one scene, any female
Wolf One - one scene, one line. Prefer shaman or worgen
Wolf Two - same as Wolf One

Special Effects-
Druid with Hurricane and Cat form
Shaman with healing rain and riptide
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