Bags/inventory. Discuss....ion.

64 Blood Elf Death Knight
How do you factor bags or inventory into roleplay? Are they just bags? That wouldn't make sense, seeing as you can fit barricades and stuff in it.. so what is it?
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100 Orc Hunter
Game mechanic.

When I rp as Xjba I tend to rp as if he had a single pack, worn on his back. Enough for a blanket, spare underwear, a couple of grenades and some hardtack/water and addition to a few vials of poison and basic tools for trap making.

Anything else can be shipped in, or might be hidden in a hollow tree or somesuch.
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85 Night Elf Warrior
I just treat the bags in game much like magical trunks you find in Harry Potter. Each bag is magically enlarged to carry more than it would seem, and is enchanted to not actually weigh what it should.

Note that this does not mean I could carry around, say... a horse. They do have their limitations. But an extra suit of armor? Food? Another weapon? Sure.
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85 Human Paladin
Magic bags that hold excessive amounts of obvects despite the weight or size of objects are actually canon lore.

Anyway, Rhonin had a magic bag in the novel Night of the Dragon (blech) which was mentioned as holding far more than its size appeared capable of carrying, and even kept food at appropriate tempuratures.

Of course like Hearthstones and magic weapons / armor, magic bags are rare to come by in Lore.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Magical bags are lame and overused. Most of my characters carry bags that they can sling over their shoulder and carry at the hip which they fill with basic supplies like dried food, canteens or skins of drinks, medical supplies, reagents, flintboxes, and maybe spare clothes and trinkets.

The rest of the stuff are set into larger bags on their mount's saddles.
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100 Human Death Knight
Magical bags might be over used.. but when you can carry enough food to feed an army, gadgets, gizmos and a wardrobe worth of clothes and armour.. magic bags are sometimes the only fall back for alot of people.

Personally.. Mariiku uses her Deathknight portal.. She was a mage in her previous life so is knowledgable enough about portal magic.. so i just use her DK portal as it's own walk in closet and that's where she stores most of her things.
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6 Human Priest
I actually use this on my MyRolePlay as a kind of ice breaker. The last like says something along the lines of, "Oddly enough, she doesn't seem to have a bag on her, which is usually mandatory for an adventurer." Now, someone can come up to me and say, "Hey, why don't you have a bag?" Boom, conversation. B)

Now, why I don't have a bag is because, as a magic using Priest, I use my robe's impossibly deep pockets. :D
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