(OOC) Thinking about Worgen Lore...

100 Worgen Rogue
So I picked up the 2nd issue of the Worgen comic today, and it got me thinking about the old Worgen Lore.

Part of the original Worgen lore from Vanilla said that the Worgen were from "Another dimension", where they fought their enemies, the "Lords of the Emerald Flame". By now, we already know that the "other dimension" is the Emerald Dream, and have for a fair while now.

But the Emerald Flame... that's seen a lot of speculation. I think it's been largely assumed for a while now that the Emerald Flame refers to the Legion by many people. But with the first issue of the Worgen comic came proof of that.

During the Night elves' battles against the Satyrs, the comic shows one of the Satyrs referring to them as the "Soldiers of the Emerald Flame". Well, if they're the soldiers, who'd be the Lords? Sargeras? Archimonde? Kil'jaeden? Perhaps... but think about this:

Who do the Satyrs serve, and revere, who actually entered the Emerald Dream? XAVIUS. Granted, he didn't enter by choice, but he was there. Now, if the Worgen fought the "Lords of the Emerald Flame", let's assume that Xavius is indeed who they were fighting.

The Emerald Nightmare didn't really pop up until around the events of WoW Started... but think about this: that's also when the Worgen started to get summoned into Azeroth.

Seems to me like the Worgen were the only things keeping the Nightmare in check all these Millenia.

but this is just my mind running off on a tangent, and I'm not even entirely sure why I'm making this post. Just sorta... getting it out SOMEWHERE, I think.

Thoughts? "duh"s? "You're stupid"s? Additions?
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85 Night Elf Druid
Cursed worgen started showing up. The original night elven worgen weren't that many in number nor where they summoned in large numbers into Azeroth. Most worgen we see are humans with Arugal's curse.

It sounds ludicrous to me that worgen of all things would even had made a sizeable difference in the fight against the Emerald Nightmare when you had beings like Malfurion, Ysera, the Green Dragonflight, and the Cenarion Circle all working to fight it. That alone isn't mentioning any of the sentient creatures who are native to the Dream.
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100 Worgen Rogue
I just figured it was a bit convenient that the Emerald Nightmare only noticeably shows up AFTER The Worgen start getting summoned, while Xavius, the one behind it, has been inside the Emerald Dream for the past ten thousand years.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Xavius isn't the source of the Nightmare. N'zoth is. Xavius is only leading the corruption on behalf of the Old Gods.

The Old Gods themselves have only started attacking and reaching out in since WoW started. I think its more plausable that the Old Gods coordinated their attacks to occure at the same time or close to it to catch everyone off guard and create, as always, chaos.
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