[H] Auditions tonight!

100 Pandaren Rogue
Don't forget, Hordey folk, that auditions for Irilin's new play are tonight, 5pm server, big building on the Hunter's Rise in Thunder Bluff. Don't forget to bring a monologue with you! There's roles for 3 females, 2 males, and a narrator of any gender. Come be super impressive with your acting skills! :)
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100 Pandaren Rogue
Irilin glanced down at his notes, recalling the auditions of the evening. His gaze moved back and forth between those, and a book on transfigurations he was able to track down in the Library. Casting was always the hardest part of this process, and the part he liked the least.

He sketched a few notes on a separate piece of parchments, particularly underlining the words druids and Tauren. That would have to be something he tracked down later, though. For now, he had to makes his decisions so he could post them by the beginning of the week.

He also technically needed to finish the last scene, but that didn't seem quite as important at the moment...
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100 Pandaren Rogue
The announcement was sent out to major posting sites, as well as to all the individuals who auditioned.

It is with great pleasure that Irilin Duskwhisper announces
the cast of this Summer's play: On Wings of Love

Kaeix, ruler of a distant land: Elidrin Manalore
Alsiya, his queen: Lithliana
Jonu, queen of the gods: Lunablue, of house Xiancheng
Seri, her maidservant and messenger: Sqizelle Sparkstyx
Elor, god of slumber and dreaming: Uluion Starseeker
Narrator: Sharinel Firelight

Congratulations to all who auditioned. Information on rehearsals, and personnel needed for technical crew will be forthcoming.
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