Cross Guild RP Events

100 Human Mage
I am currently looking to make some contacts in an attempt to put together some guild events with other guilds on the server(s). The DV is a criminal story lined guild and are looking to make contact with both some "good guy" guilds as well as some other criminal based guilds. The events I have currently in mind are simply some "we commit a crime against you, you in turn have us arrest/kick our !@#$'s. And possibly (for our other criminal brothers) some turf wars and such as well as possible alliances to assist in smuggling activities and other such fun events. If you are interested in such events please feel free to contact me either here or in game mail (preferred).

Thank you.
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100 Undead Priest
((...check your mail..for a plaguebomb...I mean.. a letter.))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
06/07/2015 06:45 AMPosted by Eldinon
I am currently looking to make some contacts in an attempt to put together some guild events with other guilds on the server(s). The DV is a criminal story lined guild and are looking to make contact with both some "good guy" guilds as well as some other criminal based guilds. The events I have currently in mind are simply some "we commit a crime against you, you in turn have us arrest/kick our !@#$'s. And possibly (for our other criminal brothers) some turf wars and such as well as possible alliances to assist in smuggling activities and other such fun events. If you are interested in such events please feel free to contact me either here or in game mail (preferred).

Thank you.

This character specializes in tracking down and breaking up smuggling rings. I think we'd have to talk about what the accounting would look like, but count me as interested.
Edited by Kyalin on 6/7/2015 2:51 PM PDT
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100 Dwarf Death Knight
Hello there,

Perennial Rose is an evil-based RP guild that is also looking to engage more in the community and up the level of friction. Right now we have a handful of members and are looking to recruit more. We would be very interested in meeting up with others (individuals or guilds) who have like-minded thoughts and wish to create a bit of RP discord in an otherwise pretty peaceful world. We look forward to hearing more on this subject. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to arrange a meeting. Thank you.
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