[A] Wrath of a Goddess Play: Auditions!

100 Human Rogue
Irilin Duskwhisper is a blood elf play write that conducts annual plays for the horde. This year, he has generously offered a script for the Alliance to portray, and Bards of the Lion is looking for actors, costume designers, and special effect engineers! ((Guild membership not required)) ***We will be holding Auditions for the following roles on 22 June, 2015, at the Slaughtered Lamb.*** Depending on the role you wish to perform, we will give a few lines from a scene to act out.

You can find the script here:

Parts that are needed:
Major Cast -
Alune- wrathful moon goddess. Paladin or priest or shaman, preferably Night Elf or Draenei
Belore- lustful sun god. Any class, prefer Mage or Hunter for firelands set.
Youth- young male adventurer, Druid preferred
Second Maiden - Alune's handmaiden, priest or Mage preferred

Minor Cast -
Narrator- speaks at beginning and end.
First Maiden - opening scene, prefer 475 herbalist
Third Maiden- one line, one scene
Wolf One - one scene, one line. Prefer shaman or worgen
Wolf Two - same as Wolf One

Special Effects-
Druid with Hurricane and cat form
Shaman with healing rain and riptide

If you have any questions, please send a letter ((or whisper me!)) to any Bards of the Lion member, and we'll be happy to help!

***For those who are chosen for the roles, rehearsals will be held on two days, 27 & 28 June, at 1200 server time, same place as the auditions. We're looking for a showtime of 29 June at Troubadour Night!***
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100 Human Rogue
Thanks to all those who participated and spectated! This play was recorded and the video can be found on the new Bards of the Lion website forums:


Very special thanks to Irilin Duskwhisper and AAMS for providing the script!

If the above link doesn't work, here is the youtube url:

Edited by Cerulana on 7/3/2015 12:31 PM PDT
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