RP Inaccessible to Casual Players?

40 Human Hunter
I have been solo rping WoW very casually on and off for the last 2 years. I am pretty well practised in table-top fantasy role playing games and have a good group of like-minded friends who enjoy it too- Warhammer//D&D//various other board and card games. However, none of my friends play WoW and group RP would really add to my enjoyment of the game *wipes tear from cheek in frustrated disappointment*

I know far more about lore than game mechanics and play WoW pretty hardcore rp, more often than not I am playing the game without the interface (Alt-Z). I am always disappointed in players on RP servers as they almost always appear to be unwilling to go in for rp and more often than not are just running around spamming chat and !@#$ing about.

I have been in a couple of low level guilds and been disappointed too. I think I am a pretty good candidate to make friends on RP servers, and WoW more generally, but in all of my adventures I have not made a single friend! I would love to level up a low level toon with a group of dedicated rp players and create our own story, for me that is what is enjoyable about WoW.

I have two questions to ask the community. Firstly, do you think that RP is inaccessible to casual players? Perhaps it is dead in some way. Or reserved for a select 'inner-circle' at level cap?

Secondly, have I been missing something really important or critical all this time? I have done my homework and apart from finding a guild online and submitting an application is there some other secret?

(If you are in a similar position with a similar interest send me a friend request or however it works and maybe we can play together some time)
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100 Draenei Shaman
It surely can feel dead at time, especially if you aren't part of the AllianceOOC or HordeOOC channels. Although, lately, I have personally noticed a distinct lack of RP here as well. It's not just you.
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100 Draenei Warrior
There is active RP that can facilitate just about anyone’s play style. A number of us are always trying to think of plots and ideas. We throw things out there and see if they will catch fire or not. Some do, some fizzle.

Here is just one active example…

This plot is active in game and on the forums, as stated by the comment its open to all. What you see in the forums is likely only half what could be happening in game. (I have gotten very little done in 6.2 thanks to this plot >.>)

There have been other attempts in the past. If it doesn’t say (closed RP) just ask one of the authors if you can be a part. They don’t bite and welcome participation.

The people that create these ideas and plots don’t give up. They keep trying. It’s up to the community to take hold or create their own idea and advertise them. People can’t read minds to know that ideas exist. People can’t participate if a plot or idea isn’t promoted.

Some plots just flat don’t agree with your character. That happens a lot. That doesn’t mean you can’t create an alt and let your main RP character sit out on something (or create your own).

Some people have problems with the player of a character. That should be put aside and focus on the RP if it’s done well. Putting personal opinions aside and carrying on with RP can vastly stimulate the RP and help the community as a whole. You don’t have to like someone to still enjoy a story.

RP really is out there.

I am sane
That is all
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100 Worgen Warlock
The RP here is a lot more open than people who have come from other servers have said. With that in mind, though, it has slowed a lot in recent days - especially Horde side, I've noticed - for a variety of reasons...no small few have left the game over "the flight debate", or so I saw in threads discussing it; others left because they've been here for years and just don't find the same enjoyment they used to (particularly Imperon, the guild master of Lluchduu Ocheliad, who left last month); some don't have the time or money due to RL, things like that.

I suppose the best way to describe it is "we make do". The storyline that Noikona mentioned, which I started up for a lark last week, I made open to any who felt it would be interesting to them, and I am glad at the response it has thus far received, though I do hope that my characters will not be the only zealots with torches and pitchforks in this mess (the mage behind it is also mine, heh).
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100 Human Paladin
I consider myself a casual player, in that I don't raid hardcore (or much these days), and that I play this game for the RP. I do not think that if there wasn't such a great RP community here on CC/SoE that I'd still be playing. That being said, I am almost always open to RP. I have too many toons on both sides and I am more than willing to get into some Rp with folks.

I don't think that your level is ever really taken in to account in RP around these parts. We do what we can to transport low level toons to events if they are unable to get there on their own.

Like it was mentioned before, check out the current open RP thread that Noikona mentioned, hop in the allianceooc and hordeooc channels and give us all a hollar.

Additionally a lot of the RP on the server is event based. You can check out an up to date weekly schedule in scholar (in character cross faction newspaper) it can be found here: http://scholar.conclaveguild.org. You can also checkout a dashboard of server resources at http://ccsoe.org.

Hope this helps. Try not to get discouraged. Rpers are here and we're happy to help ^.^
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