Thinking of transferring here

100 Draenei Death Knight
I was thinking of transferring is this realm any good for rp?
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100 Human Paladin
Welcome and thanks for considering CC/SoE. We are two merged realms that seem to get on quite well. A lot of our rp is guild/event based but we are a very welcoming bunch on both Horde and Alliance. Why don't you roll an alt and come say hi!

The channels on both sides are /join allianceooc and /joinhordeooc . You can check out our schedule of events and guilds and things at

Additionally, you can check out the current in character ongoings and up to date weekly events via our servers' in characternewspaper: Scholar -

Feel free to ask specific questions and we'll get em answered. CC/SoE is a great place to be!

And as always happy adventuring!
Edited by Genevra on 6/22/2015 5:26 PM PDT
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