I recently returned to WoW after a long break from raiding. I raided as Cholik back during vanilla WoW with the Kaos Knights and Brood of Reckoning . Then in TBC I raided with Squared Away and Eternal Sorrow and cleared all of TBC content except for Sunwell.Then I stopped raiding after the first tier of Wotlk raiding.
Now I would like to raid again but not on a hardcore level like I once was. I am looking to mainly focus on heroic level difficulty and I don't really have a opinion on mythic level raiding but I am up for it if need be.
I know my ilvl is low but I figured coming back to the game at the start of 6.2 would even things out considering it is basically a gear reset with the new tanaan jungle content.
Now I would like to raid again but not on a hardcore level like I once was. I am looking to mainly focus on heroic level difficulty and I don't really have a opinion on mythic level raiding but I am up for it if need be.
I know my ilvl is low but I figured coming back to the game at the start of 6.2 would even things out considering it is basically a gear reset with the new tanaan jungle content.
Edited by Alghazanth on 6/23/2015 7:09 PM PDT