Terran Bounty Hunting

100 Human Rogue
What is this? I am looking to start something for my guild and looking for volunteers. There is an addon called Guild Bounty hunter that allows you to set bounties, allow for rewards to be metted out via the guild bank based on kills and more.

What do I need? Volunteers. If you are horde and interested in a bit of world PVP, RPer or not, then drop your name here and I'll see about getting you added to the list. Fair warning do not volunteer if you are not open to being attacked any time you are caught flagged.

Current Player bounty list:

Other people who clottia hasn't gotten me names for yet
Edited by Kordrion on 6/30/2015 8:29 AM PDT
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100 Undead Priest
*slams Doomguard's banner down*

I volunteer the whole guild.

*skitters off to tell Vaq'negh*
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100 Orc Warrior
Interesting... You wish to formalize what has already been brought to your front door, time and time again, at the hands of the Doomguard? Set your bounties and draw your lines. We welcome the challenge. I do not need to confer with my officers to deliver a response. Clottia speaks as all of my unit will. Take your bounty if you can. You might have a chance if you can get that lazy peon Arlston to quit sleeping his days away on his silly little crate in the cellar of the Blue Recluse.
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100 Orc Warrior
OOC response: Let's do this, it'll be fun :)
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100 Human Rogue
06/25/2015 08:33 AMPosted by Vaqnegh
OOC response: Let's do this, it'll be fun :)

well the whole thing was an ooc post :P Kord's not gonna announce his bounty list! not how an assassin works :P I'm looking for players who are willing to give them a reason to go hunting, and if folks on the other side want to grab the addon and reciprocate go ahead!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
This actually gives me an idea. If Terra is going gung-ho on Horde, they wouldn't be discerning between friend or foe, would they? *grin*
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100 Undead Priest
I think Kord wants names so people in her guild can go hunting specifically...and get paid.

I *think*.

*skitters away*
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100 Human Rogue
06/25/2015 10:21 AMPosted by Clottia
I think Kord wants names so people in her guild can go hunting specifically...and get paid.

I *think*.

*skitters away*

^ This, not so much Gung-ho on horde but going after known troublemakers.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Ah, okay...
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Sounds like fun. Sadly, I can't help with it. Old Malerus is still sitting in his garrison picking his brain for new spices (literally). Would love to see how this plays out though.
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100 Draenei Warrior
<Opens a betting booth>
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100 Undead Warrior
*skitters in*

*shaves Kordrion like a Dalaran Fancy Boy*

*skitters out*
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100 Human Rogue
06/25/2015 01:39 PMPosted by Abominus
*skitters in*

*shaves Kordrion like a Dalaran Fancy Boy*

*skitters out*

*Threatens Abom with a can of raid*
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100 Undead Warrior
"R.A.I.D., yesss? Rapid Abominusss Infessstation Dessstroyer, yesss? How did you sssteal that sssecret weapon, yesss?"

*Hires Kordrion to assassinate Kordrion for being a Sneaky Sneak*

"It isss legally binding, yesss!"
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100 Human Rogue
06/25/2015 08:31 AMPosted by Vaqnegh
You might have a chance if you can get that lazy peon Arlston to quit sleeping his days away on his silly little crate in the cellar of the Blue Recluse.

*Cracks Knuckles*
Do I need to bring my belt?
Because I have plenty of notches on it, while yours seem sadly barren...
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100 Human Rogue
Initial bounty on Clottia out there, you're my guinea pig.

As an aside...

*Holds a candlelight vigil for her poor officer notes* it murdered them relentlessly...
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100 Worgen Warlock
06/25/2015 04:09 PMPosted by Abominus
"R.A.I.D., yesss? Rapid Abominusss Infessstation Dessstroyer, yesss? How did you sssteal that sssecret weapon, yesss?"

*Hires Kordrion to assassinate Kordrion for being a Sneaky Sneak*

"It isss legally binding, yesss!"

Our Maggot Lord has you there, I'm afraid.
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100 Undead Priest
06/27/2015 08:29 AMPosted by Kordrion
Initial bounty on Clottia out there, you're my guinea pig.

I promise to squeal... but I rarely go into Stormwind alone these days.

Last night was an exception, I required meat.
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100 Human Mage
<doesn't like the title of this thread>
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100 Human Rogue
<doesn't like the title of this thread>

*Fires Net*

There. Done. Game's over. I win.
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