As of late, our main raid group members have either quit the game and/or moved on to other servers. We've had to reform our raid group on multiple occasions and are just about all quitting ourselves. I'm trying to salvage our guild and members of which who enjoy raiding. So I'm sending out an S.O.S. to see if other guilds who are also facing the same thing and/or would like 7-8 additional raid members who are between 680-690+ ilvl, and with the motivation to work hard at the new raiding content. The normal group to which we have regularly are: Myself(Lock) DK (tank/dps) Monk(tank) Rogue, 2 Hunters, Disc Priest, Monk(dps/heal), and a few others that raid with us from time to time. Now, we're not a "hardcore" raiding group and our preferential raid days/times are Sun/Tues/Thurs 6-9 Server time, with some flexibility. We are all laid back, no drama, and lots of fun. So please if you are interested in having us raid with you, feel free to send me mail and/or message me in game. I'm typically on my warlock, Arbaces. I appreciate the time that you are taking to read this, good luck in Hellfire Citadel, and happy hunting!
Chaotic Intent Looking for Sister Raid Group.
hey bro. i feel what ur saying hit me up in game lets talk about ti and discuss what we are both looking for.
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