Hearthstone RP?

100 Blood Elf Warlock
Just throwing this out there who would want to create a custom Hearthstone Deck for their character or characters and play a few games of Hearthstone IC?
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100 Goblin Mage
I challenge you all!
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100 Human Priest
It's funny you mention that, I actually have my custom decks named for the characters who correspond with the classes (Sekhesmet's Libram, for instance, is my priest deck).
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
That's The idea I made a bunch of Cjaracter theme decks even my minions have decks, well two of them my imp Ba Da and Nazxia the succubus. If I where to make a full list

Shadow Kingdom (Zurom's Deck) - Blood Elf Warlock
Witches of the Coast (Swizelle's Deck) - Goblin Mage
The Red Rouge (Ahdes' Deck) - Undead Rouge
Stranglethorn Shaman (Vi'ta's Deck) - Troll Shaman (Witch Doctor)
Highborne Headmaster (Zuramon's Deck) - Highborne Night Elf Mage
IMP SWARM (Ba Da Boom's Deck) - Core Fire Imp (Warlock Deck)
Your In Trouble Now (Nazxia's Deck) - Succubus (Warlock Deck)

I would be interested how others translate their characters into Hearthstone Decks.
Edited by Zurom on 6/21/2015 12:23 PM PDT
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