Shadow Kingdom Origin Story (IC)

100 Blood Elf Warlock
The following journal entries are from Guild Master and Undercity Military Ambassador to Undercity Zurom Stormsong before the formation of Shadow Kingdom.

Lady Sylvanas and her troops have returned from Northrend with the Val’kyr at their side. Though we where victorious in defeating Arthas and getting revenge on the countless lives he took that day on Quel’thalas I am more concerned with the Val’kyr than reveling in our victory. The Val’kyr have been resorting the dead in the Silverpine forest. While this can and is beneficial to the Forsaken commands as it stands I am worried of the potential outcomes of these actions. Only time will tell what will become of the Forsaken.

Lady Sylvanas’ troops have attacked Gileans. I have not seen active duty since the assault on Ice Crown Citadel. I have spent my time as Military Ambassador to Undercity assisting Lady Sylvanas’ armories in any way I can on the home front. Lady Sylvanas has been creating new forsaken to act as her soldiers, but even with this added Defense the Worgen have made their way into forsaken territory in Silverpine. On top of that I have heard rumors floating around that what is described as “a crimson red shadow” around the forsaken rear command. It has been attacking both worgen and forsaken troops as they come near the area. A few orc pirates have come in the area to assist in the recent attack on Gileans and even they have been struck down by reports of this “red rouge”. Reports say the attacker is a rouge cloaked entirely in red grab. Whether the clothing he wears in naturally red or strained that way from his victims in unknown. I plan to look into this matter myself then join Lady Sylvanas’ Troops in Silverpine. I hope to help the Forsaken keep their land for the worgen just as they kept Southern Quel’thalas from falling to remnants of the scourge.

Today I fought against the red rouge, He reveled his name to me as Ahdes. Ahdes told be that he was paid by Lord Godfrey to draw attention and nothing more. I asked Ahdes to lead me to Lord Godfrey and he did not object. It would seem to Ahdes that Godfrey did not meet a certain payment in there arrangement. Ahdes lead me to Lord Godfrey how had just attacked Lady Sylvanas, he arrived to late and Godfrey escaped to Shadowfang Keep. Luckily Lady Sylvanas’ Val’kyr was able to keep her on this plane. After this attack Ahdes realized that Godfrey was trying to use him as a distraction so that Godfrey could spilt up Sylvanas’s forces further than they already where from the attack on Gileans. Ahdes obviously saw this as an insult and now has pledged his loyalty to the Forsaken.

Ahdes and I have been working to gather awhile now. After dealing with Gofrey he have been taking orders doing really any job we can find. I have been trying to gather information of recent events for Lady Sylvans and Reagent Lord Lor’themar in hopes that something I find may be of use. A job that Ahdes and I may do just that, we have been assigned to travel to Stranglethorn Vale and investigate rumors of the empowered Gurubashi Tribe resurrecting the dead. I hope to find out how and maybe even reverse its affects, maybe this mission will finally help cure the blight of the forsaken… for those that want to be cured of course.
Edited by Zurom on 7/18/2015 8:47 AM PDT
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100 Goblin Mage
Another fine day out on the open sea. Ma keeps trying to force feed me oranges. I guess its all for the best. I never feel sick that’s for sure. Like She always says oranges are the miracle cure! I have officially gotten tired of Dad’s constant begging for me to do more mech work. I mean I get I used to do it with him all the time but It just never was that cool to me. Now magic that is some cool stuff I got a bunch of magi books at the last port and I got to try some of this stuff out! Although I tired it once when we where docked and I accidentally blew a hole in the ship… I think I’m going to stay away from fire magic from now on.

Man! Today we where nearly killed by a freakin’ pirate trying to chase us down for revenge or something. This freak’s name was Admiral Harris Desan. I get the feeling Dad may have known the guy but… I don’t think I’ll ask him about it, he seems kinda angry seeing the guy again. Don’t think we’ll ever see him again though. We saw his ship crash of the Coast of the Northern Eastern Kingdoms. I will not be missing him, he damaged our boat so bad that we are gonna have to stop at Kezan to get it fixed up. Here’s hoping to getting back on the open sea as soon as possible.

… I … I don’t even know what to write here. On our way to Kezan or Ship got caught up in a huge storm and we crashed. The next thing I knew I washed up on the coast of Stranglethorn Vale. There was no sign of my parents anywhere when I woke up. I do not think they made it. I mean with no boat and in the middle of the ocean… I don’t even know how I survived. Now I’m here in Booty Bay staying at the Salty Sailor working as a waitress so that I can afford the upstairs room. Maybe if I make enough I can afford an apartment of something. This stuff is really new to me I can’t remember having to work a day in my life. I guess a lot of things in my life are changing.

Today I decided to take a walk after work. I guess I just wanted to walk on the bench line, maybe check at the jungle a little, whatever. I was mugged by pirates! Well at least I would have if it wasn’t for this troll I meet. Her name is Vi’ta and she saved me before those pirates could even lay a hand on me. She says that she lives in the jungle and has been her whole life. She may be kind hard to understand somethings but she is definitely one of the nicest if not the nicest person I have ever meet. I think imma start hanging out with her before and after work. Its nice to have a friend around, and who knows maybe I can learn something from her.

I been living in Booty Bay for awhile now. All my free time is spent either hanging out with Vi’ta or practicing magic, or both. Magic has been an amazing help lately. It has made everything a lot easier. Even got a promotion at work thanks to it, Innkeeper Skindle wants me to work as an entertainer showing off my magic to the customers. I said yes of course because it is gonna be a fel of a lot easier than dealing with drunks as a waitress. OH! but that is not nearly the best thing that has happened lately! Well I mean its not good really but, eh… Anyway Vi’ta was dealing with pirates again today but they weren’t any normal kind of pirates these guys where hexed by the nearby Gurubashi trolls. Vi’ta was a little freaked out about it and seemed like it was hard for her to fight them. BUT, I was able to save her for a change I scared theses zombie off with a couple of water elementals… I HAD KNOW IDEA I COULD CONJURE MORE THAN ONE!!! Afterwards Vi’ta started calling be sister, she said that after want we have been though we are like family now. However, she said we are going to need help if we are going to stop these Zombies anytime soon. She sent out a call for help from Horde forces, I hope we get help soon. Until we do Vi’ta has been staying with me at the Salty Sailor, figured it was safer with voodoo zombies lurking around.
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100 Troll Shaman
Help finally be arrivin’ from da Horde. Vol’jin be commin’ ta Booty Bay ta make sure dat dey know da area. Swizelle an’ me be meetin’ wit’ two dat say dey work wit’ da Banshee Queen Sylvanas. I would be worried abou’ trustin’ da undead cause we be fightin’ da Zmbies at Zanzil be makin’ ba dey be apar’ a da Horde an’ I be trustin’ da Horde dat Vol’jin an’ Sen’jin choose ta be trustin’. Our first mission be ta find out how Zanzil be creatin’ his Zombies, afta we find dat out we may be able ta cure da hexed bafore dey be permentaly fall unda Zanzil’s control … like Tuk, me poor brotha.

We be findin’ dat Zanzil be hexin’ da food in Hardwrench Hideaway, with a sample from it I be able ta reverse da Goblins hexed by Zanzil, be sadly some could na be saved, Zanzil’s voodoo be workin’ too fast. Now we be at Bambala a place I be findin' a home close ta Zul’Gurub wit’ otha Darkspear. I dink it a good sign dat one day it will be safe ta return to Zul’Gurub proper. I also be gettin’ used ta both da Ahdes da undead an’ da demons Nazxia an’ Ba Da. It just be goin’ ta show you dat just because sometin’ be dark na mean dat it be evil. Dat be a thought ta live by.

Today was da fated dey dat da Horde and Alliance enta Zul’Gurub again. Da group I be in Zurom, Ahdes, Swizelle, Nazxia an’ meself headed for Zanzil’s courtyard first, it used ta be a shrine dat Jindo would used ta call upon Hakkar. Zanzil be to strong dere, so we needed ta take him down. Da fight was nah as easy As I would have thought, Zanzil had a small army of zombies dat we needed ta push through. Zurom an’ Ahdes were very skilled in da battle, it seemed like dey both had been fightin’ for a long time, Zurom’s knowledge in fightin’ da undead be very helpful. Swizelle still be new ta fightin’ but her elementals still be good cover. Zanzil was taken down but it was not over yet, next we had to take back da place of me birth, da Temple of Bethekk.

Da Temple of Bethekk was a hard sight to see in da state it is today. Both da temple and its followers be brained washed and turned loyal to da Hakkari. It was hard for me to fight against those loyal to Bethekk, even against her pride, but it had to be done. Hakkar’s fangs were to far deep into Bethekk’s temple, they had to be removed. Even if that met killin’ da people that my parents and I knew so long ago. Our finally challenge in Bethekk’s Temple was ta kill her current champion High Priestess Kilnara, she was found in da inner most part a da temple, in da panther pens mourning her sister da former High Priestess Arlokk. She had gone mad with her mourning, I wish she could have been saved, but she had gone feral, her Tigon form reflecting dat. After Kilnara was silenced, I felt something… I na sure wha it be yet… but it sounded like a whisper sayin’ “Dank Ja”… I asked da others if fin dey heard anythin’ ba dey say dey did na.

Da final fight was against Jin’do he used ta be know as da Hexxer but now he be know as “da Godbreaker”. Jin’do’s plan was ta steal Hakkar’s power and use it for his own. We did na even need ta finish off Jin’do, Hakkar did it himself. Hakkar ripped Jin’do apart, limb by limb intfront of our very eyes, it was horrible to witness. However, without a champion Hakkar was sent back ta da realm of spirits an Zul’gurub be free of his control. What da Gurubashi do wit’ it now will be unknown, ba I hope dat dey have learn da danger of Hakkar the Soulflyer.

Afta leaving Zul’Gurub and our mission bein’ a success da group be stay together ta rest in Bambala, I dink it be Swizelle dat mentioned how good of a team we be. Zurom an’ even Nazxia be argeein’. I be thinkin’ dat since we ha done so much ta help Zul’Gurub dat we should all be a part of the same tribe, that we should be our own small tribe within da Horde, dough I na gonna be leavin’ da Darkspear. We came up with the idea a forming a guild ta work tagetha on more mission in da future, I be daught a da Name “Tribe of Shadows” since it be a group usin’ dark magic, for a good cause. Ahdes bein’ undead, Zurom bein’ a warlock, an even myself bein’ a witch doctor, all things dat can be seen as evil ba dey na have ta be. Just because sometin’ be dark na mean dat it be evil. Swizelle said that having the tribe part in the name could be confusion’ if we na be a troll tribe. She caught a da name “Shadow Kingdom” because of it seeming like the start a group in a fairy tale starting a kingdom. Zurom replied in saying dat the name was amazin’ and dat it works in multiple ways. He caught dat since we helped Darkspear get closer to our old home we should do the same from all the Horde in the Eastern Kingdoms. He thought da Eastern Kingdoms could use help, between da Zandalari invading as well as da ever threatin’ Alliance da Horde and even some Neutral cities could become unsafe ta live. We would be the Shadow of da Eastern Kingdoms, always behind those fighting to protect there lands from invaders.
Edited by Víta on 7/18/2015 8:45 AM PDT
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