It seems as of late i noticed a number or God modding increase on certain rp realms.Which after someone performs an act of godlike stature.They begin fighting oocly.Whats role play coming to these days? And mind you half the rp fights i see are in the city of stormwind or in the middle of silvermoon.Surely the guards would step in and keep peace? *sigh* What is rping coming to?
God mod on the increase.
Level 34 gnomes complaining about things that they aren't fully apart of?
I just know that I am in a guild that is totally awesome at rp and friends who love me and know where to rp and I even know where to ERP
I just know that I am in a guild that is totally awesome at rp and friends who love me and know where to rp and I even know where to ERP
5 Goblin Hunter
slap them in the face and demand a sammich.
^Best possible solution.
rp yourself as a guard. if you you can :)
RP as the RP police and arrest bad RPers :D
RP as a random hobo and come over, asking for money. If they don't comply with your demands, slap them with a tuna.
I met some mediocre rpers before, master swordsman who could come up with perfect kicks, perfectly agile etc. It was very annoying. But to be honest, informing them is the worst thing to do as they'll become VERY whiny and start to slander you.
look em right in the Eye and the say to them Stop RPIng monster.
Wow did I say that? WOW! I must have been drunk! I'm sorry OP, I really am.
Anyways, stop necroing this thread
Says the person who just posted on it?
Don't argue with Twiit, he owns your soul.
Wtf is godmode.
Could just not RP fight and step outside to duel.
03/07/2011 2:53 PMPosted by FairfaxRP as a random hobo and come over, asking for money. If they don't comply with your demands, slap them with a tuna.
That's why I don't do RP battles--I duel. Not to mention RP battles are a pain and take up far too much time.
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