Mouthful of Justice recruiting healers & dps!

90 Human Paladin
As the title suggests, Mouthful of Justice, Alliance, Level 11 guild, is currently recruiting new members, that are raid ready.

We have a 10 man team already, and have enough tanks and a few more dps for a 2nd raid, but we're short on healers to fill those spots.

We'd also be interested in exceptional ranged dps, and perhaps a rogue to soak up all of our leather loots.

Currently it looks like we'll be raiding 1 group, wed/thurs, 9pmish-12amish server time, and a 2nd group, sat/sun, 6pmish-whenever (probably 9).

A little about us.... as a guild, or group of players we've been raiding together since the start of BC, although under a different banner (Project Voodoo). We take this game lightly, but still expect a level of competency so we can see the raids, and beat them in a reasonable amount of time. We spend 80% of our time in vent chatting, hanging out, doing 5 mans, etc, although guild chatter kicks up from time to time. None of us are active role players, but do not shun nor discourage RP, as long as the person knows we do not keep guild chat to RP only. We have intelligent, loyal players, and would like anyone interested in applying to really want to find a home on this server, that isn't completely based on raid progression. Over the years, many of us have met in RL, and to our surprise, haven't been 100% creeped out by the guildie we've met. One last thing, if immature jokes/that's what you're mom said jokes are not your taste, you should look elsewhere; our average guildies age is mid-twenties, although most of us have a hard time maturing past teenage years. If this sounds like something you'd enjoy being a part of, contact me in game, i'm online most nights, from 6pm-midnight on this char, or an alt or send me an in game mail!

Thanks for reading this wall of text, good luck to everyone, and I hope to meet some new faces soon!
Edited by Dartaneon on 1/18/2011 4:03 PM PST
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90 Human Paladin
bump! we've got 2 raids scheduled, wed/thurs 9:30-midnight, and sat/sun 6pm server, we need healers and dps primarily. Also, we're recruiting anyone else interested in the guild, as a social, if you intend to raid in the future, but aren't ready yet, look us up!
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90 Human Paladin
bump! we just found a druid healer for our night crew, could use a good shaman (if one exists), perhaps a mage or warlock, then maybe a paladin for the weekend crew! holla if you're interested!
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Bump...lets do this! Still need to Dartaneon, Jigadart or Thornwill.
Edited by Thornwill on 1/15/2011 9:18 AM PST
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90 Human Paladin
bump, downed omnotron tonight, still need healers!
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85 Human Rogue
These guys used to let me come along and wipe their raids in ICC. :) Really fun group to run with--trust me, you want these slots.

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90 Human Paladin
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90 Human Paladin
currently our raid times are fluctuating but we're still sticking with a wed/thurs raid and a sat/sun raid. we're open to all new comers, even levelers, anyone interested in contributing to a long standing, fun guild. If you also happen to be a good healer though....we may end up throwing epics at you.
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90 Human Paladin
we've got some good people that just joined up, spots are filling up fast! unless you want to just be a part of a growing guild, then holla!
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Bump...Better hurry bosses are going down quickly. Currently we are looking for more Ranged DPS. And of course healers are always nice to have extra's of.

Elemental Shaman

PST Dartaneon, Jigadart or Thornwill.
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90 Human Paladin
we're now 2/6 BWD, and 2/4 BoT!
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