Blue Recluse: New Management, New Event!

100 Undead Priest
Posted all over Horde capitols:

The Blue Recluse is under new management! I will host a new event, in conjunction with our 24/7 open bar. Kitchen and Staff will be manned sporadically. Lady fingers and tea will be on hand at all times. Join us in Stormwind as we enjoy this new business venture!

Upcoming Event:
Casino Night - Every other Friday, 1730-2030, starting 24 July

For questions/concerns, please contact any member of Doomguard.

See you there!
Sister Clottia VonAbsinthe
Owner, Blue Recluse
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Be there or be square.
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100 Draenei Warrior
(( Clottia. I don't PvP, but you may have just given me incentive to learn))
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100 Undead Priest
Mmm, lady fingers. It's in a nice neighborhood as well.
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*cracks knuckles*

Finally! Something to look forward to.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
I look forward to burning you, mage. Some nice human barbecue for the Doomguard.
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100 Human Warrior
Will you guys have Battle Toads?
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Battle Toads...we could look into it. There's nothing like a pack of extremely oversized, armored toads hopping into battle.
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100 Undead Priest

Just to be sure...

You all have to know this was a joke.

We wouldn't come wreck a RP event... as much as it would please Clottia and others in the Guard.

I won't even be in town next week, so your little event is safe from my maw.

And Foravin... I am a battle toad whenever Belpha is around. *wink*
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I'm guessing that post #9 is in relation with my conversation with Genevra last night. So I'll drop a quick reply.

Clottia, I know that Harmath had the impression that I was referring to you as a griefer group, but this was as I was explaining to him that I believe that it's part of your RP and that it seemed like you were reasonably trying to engage other RPers. I don't know enough about your organization to say, but that's not a critique, and when I was on my Horde character a few nights ago, I remember giving you some praise in the OOC channel for doing something to break up the general malaise PVP-wise that has gripped the Alliance side RP community.

Because I identify much more with the CRZed Night Elf community in Darnassus, I'll draw a comparison to them. Last night we got a good sized group of Horde PVPers (I'd say about five to seven people) in Darnassus which was crushed in about five to ten minutes. There was a good population of RPers in the city, myself included, and we diverted from what we were doing to defeat the raid - and then we went right back to RPing. It was a lot of fun and the Horde decided not to test us further after that one wipe. Larger raids tend to take more time, but we have a pretty good record of responding to attacks, provided that enough of us are physically in the city.

That's not to say that there weren't bluewallers, but it is to say that Night Elf RPers in Darnassus tend to walk into a situation like that with a mindset kind of like this:

That's sorely lacking right now with the Alliance on CC. I understand that not everyone likes PVP, but when requests for help in dispersing a group in the Blue Recluse are replied to with "just RP somewhere else", that underscores a problem.

I know I'll get a lot of flak for saying that from said community, but at this point I really don't care. Keep up the good work, Clottia. I'm only sorry that I'm not available on Fridays.
Edited by Kyalin on 7/14/2015 6:11 PM PDT
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100 Undead Priest
Clottia, I know that Harmath had the impression that I was referring to you as a griefer group...

I hadn't heard this. I am sure there are some rpers Alliance side who have that opinion - and that's fine. I don't particularly enjoy 'carebears', but hey..we all pay our monthly dues to play the game how we want. Doomguard would *never*..and I mean *never* swoop in on an event that was pre-planned to start some fighting. We might show up to observe, and have in the past, but we would never go out of our way to rain on someone's parade intentionally.

To be honest, I just was being silly and copied the announcement to say I was the owner since I'm there all the time. As I said, I won't even be in town the first night of the Recluse's new 'stuff'...I'll be on a boat with my flippy floppies, Santana Champ and looking at whales in Alaska.

Just to clarify, not only do I 'own' the Recluse: I also own the Orphanage, a nice beach house in the Cemetery, the Horde dueling dummies and I've nearly convinced that adorable child in the castle gardens to come back to Brill with me.

I'm a PvPer. A world PvPer. I much prefer to dust it up on the streets of my old city than delve into Ashcan madness, and enjoy it even more so when I know there are other rpers trying to waste me and my skirmish team.

It's all good.
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100 Orc Warrior
I can also guarantee that our guild will never set out to ruin anyone's event. Its against the spirit of why we are all here. This is also another reason I've made an alt for Stormwind Union... I wish to engage creative dialogue cross-faction for the enrichment of everyone's RP experience. OOC, we don't want to destroy anyone's RP, but just the opposite. Everything we do is geared for getting people talking and engaged in some fashion to facilitate the goal of a more dynamic RP experience across the server for BOTH factions.
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100 Undead Priest
What he said. *nods*
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100 Draenei Shaman
07/14/2015 12:02 AMPosted by Clottia
I am a battle toad whenever Belpha is around.

((As It should be))
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100 Undead Priest

It should be that you die and stay dead long enough for me to eat you. I was SO close the other night and you friggin' reincarnated before I got one bite.

I am sorely disappointed in you, Mister. Sorely.

*ribbits off*
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100 Draenei Shaman
07/16/2015 02:42 PMPosted by Clottia

It should be that you die and stay dead long enough for me to eat you. I was SO close the other night and you friggin' reincarnated before I got one bite.

I am sorely disappointed in you, Mister. Sorely.

*ribbits off*

*evil cackle*
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100 Draenei Warrior
Okay, so to clarify. Yes the Recluse is under new management. Noikona has stepped down from the immense ordeal of keeping of with the ledges, payroll and bar fights (didn’t help they she spent much of her time in a jail cell). New management doesn’t mean new ownership. Who’s to say Noikona didn’t sell it to Clottia, everyone knows Noikona’s biggest weakness is gold.

On a more serious note, after some thought and a stray comment made by someone I respect and that I will keep anonymous. I believe now that establishments that are iconic and or based in lore (not saying the Recluse is based in lore). Shouldn’t be “owned” by a single individual, but should be shared amongst all.

The Recluse has always been an excellent spot for RP to come alive. It was my intent by stepping down to bring in more event driven happenings to help bring in chances for RP to foster. By opening the Recluse to guilds that wish to have days set for events I think will open up just that. It’s much better than having a frowning draenei behind the bar that’s only interested in making a profit.

And Doomguard from what I have observed have not been that much of a nuisance. I have been there on more than few occasions when they have shown up. There was never any harassment or in your face griefing. Now if you attack them? Well that’s on you.
Edited by Noikona on 7/22/2015 11:24 AM PDT
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100 Orc Warrior
Krom looks at the flyer "hmm I wonder if they have the same booze as the previous owners
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