Brand new guild.
Looking for any and all members just wanting to grow for now. Since we are new that means we have a lot of positions open and are willing to expand in almost any direction. We are low on members now but expect to hit a high amount before next expansion.

Members we are looking for
Friendly mature people are for the best fit for this guild. We love sense of humor and playful. Leave elitism at the door.

Any level/class is fine. All casuals and leveling characters are welcome as are alts. If you'd like to have a role in the guild that's fine too since it's a new guild there are opportunities there.

This is a PVE guild so we are shooting for raiding, be it casual or even more if that's the route we can achieve. This is tied into what type of leaders we can recruit in the guild. We will help out anyone with issues on how to play their class and boss mechanics to give fair play to all members of the guild who are willing to work their way up.

As we progress and get needed members we will fill officer ranks and give roles out to fit those who want them. We want to know everyone's goal so we can help fulfill them rather than just having members who feel left out. If you'd like to be a member without the responsibilities that's also perfectly fine because friendship is something we expect all our members to offer.

If you have any type of role you wish to perform in the guild, be it raid leading, recruiting, teaching class roles or giving advice then we can help that out. It helps bond members and opens doors for others. Ranks will be given to those who want to achieve them and can show they earn it. If you have a unique helpful aspect then I can create a unique rank/role for you.

No drama. If you have issues with someone, keep it to yourself. The only exception is if it is constant harassing. That's why there is a ticket you can fill out for blizzard. I'm completely fine with this because I cannot look into the facts as they can. If a ticket was sent and nothing is resolved I will look into it but only to stop any further issues from happening.

Intentional insults, trolling and causing issues won't be tolerated for obvious reasons.

If it seems to strict remember, we only want the best for members who are friendly since they deserve the same in return.

My battletag is Yamuri#1781