<Fallen> looking for a healer!

100 Night Elf Druid
Hi all! Fallen, formerly known as Cairn of Kings and Sanctuary Garden, is currently looking to bolster our current raid roster with the addition of another healer. We are currently 12/13 N and 4/13H in the current raid tier. So some information about us:

-We raid two nights a week Thursday and Monday 6 Server (PST) to 9 server.
- Against my wishes we do have a vent that we use for raid purposes but generally just to be a bunch of goofs.
-Loot is done kind of wonky we switch between personal and master loot depending on the amount of time we've killed the boss.
-We don't mind catching you up on gear if that is a concern.

What we are looking from the person:
- Ability to play the healing role at decent level.
- Be able to attend a fair amount of the raids, we understand real life happens so 100% is not required
- If you are willing to dps on some fights as well that would be a bonus.
- If you are not a druid that is also a bonus, but not required.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in or want to know more feel free to contact myself via in game mail or whisper. Thanks for your time!
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100 Human Rogue
Join them, they are good peoples to raid with...even that Druid thing that goes by Hao.
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100 Tauren Druid
Haozhao's good peeps, if hes in it its -probable- not terrible.
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100 Night Elf Priest
It is scary here.

Non-stop and nonsensical jibber-jabber, people who are constantly online instead of living decent, healthful lives. It is obvious these people are mentally unhinged and should not be out in public.

I suggest running - not walking - away from Fallen. Go build a white picket fence while you can. Build it before a grue eats you.
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/07/2015 07:37 PMPosted by Amaelalin
Non-stop and nonsensical jibber-jabber, people who are constantly online instead of living decent, healthful lives. It is obvious these people are mentally unhinged and should not be out in public.

That pretty much sums up the usual person on this server, nevermind Fallen. :P
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100 Night Elf Druid
08/07/2015 05:09 PMPosted by Nemestrinus
Haozhao's good peeps, if hes in it its -probable- not terrible.

Chien would disagree with that, I'm reminded on a daily basis how I have terrible taste.
Still looking for another person to join in our fun. Don't be shy, despite the skull and teeth sitting atop my head I do not bite.
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100 Human Rogue
08/12/2015 05:42 AMPosted by Haozhao
08/07/2015 05:09 PMPosted by Nemestrinus
Haozhao's good peeps, if hes in it its -probable- not terrible.

Chien would disagree with that, I'm reminded on a daily basis how I have terrible taste.
Still looking for another person to join in our fun. Don't be shy, despite the skull and teeth sitting atop my head I do not bite.

(He lies, he bites when your back is turned then makes surprised faces when you turn around!)
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100 Human Mage
Bump for 6/13 (H).

Come join us for 7 & more tomorrow.

Also, note that we will be running catch-up raids as well so even if you're not up to Heroic gear stat-wise there will be a place for you.

Also, the general invitation: quality players are always welcome.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Haozhao will consume your brains and steal your powers. :<
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