The Lunar Bazaar- Community Event!

100 Tauren Monk
The golden eye of the Earthmother sinks low into the sky. The red rock mountains of Stonetalon are bathed in her dying light, creating harsh lines between brilliant gold and crimson illumination and cooling blue and purple shadow. As An’she moves lower, ending her journey across the sky, pinpricks of light begin to faintly appear in the gloaming hours.

This is Mu’sha’s time. Rising into the sky, swollen and heavy, she casts her pale light upon the world, giving hope in the dark that swallows Kalimdor. The crickets chirp and sing her praises as moon flowers begin to unwind and blossom, their delicate petals graced with her peaceful gaze. On this night, Mu’sha’s push is strongest, infusing the world with her magics, rewarding the patient with her majesty and power.

Beneath the full moon, the Stonewind Tribe gathers, setting their tables and preparing for the celebration at hand; the Lunar Bazaar.


The next event will be April 2nd starting at 8:00 pm server time.

The Lunar Bazaar is a community centered RP event lead by The Stonewind Tribe. Each month on the full moon (first Saturday), all are welcome to attend the Bazaar and its adjoining festival. The evening will start with Storytelling in Thunder Bluff followed later by the Bazaar itself, a trade/market style event in which all may participate. The Bazaar will be held at Sun Rock Retreat in Stonetalon Mountains.

Vendors and buyers may trade using in-game items, RP items, or GHI items, but in the spirit of the Tauren tradition, we suggest buying and selling without actual game gold. We hope this leads to some interesting haggling and creative methods of bargain!

There will be a feast and dancing as well! Those wishing to pay their respects to Mu’sha will be presented with a seedling to be planted later in the evening. Those who participate in this homage to the Earthmother will be presented with a special gift from The Stonewind Tribe (GHI required).

Day: Saturday, April 2nd
Time: 8:00 pm Moon Guard Server Time
Location: Sun Rock Retreat in Stonetalon Mountains

For further information, please whisper Taeana in game or email her at Hope to see you all there!
Edited by Taeana on 3/6/2016 1:52 PM PST
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100 Tauren Monk
This event will still be happening tomorrow, as well as Storytelling! I'm honestly not expecting a bit turnout because of the holiday, but I will still be there! I hope some of you will be too!
Edited by Taeana on 7/4/2015 9:33 AM PDT
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90 Troll Druid
I shall try to make it.
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100 Human Warrior
*shakes fist* accursed horde guards...I wish the best for this event!
Edited by Björn on 7/4/2015 9:36 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Warrior
From us blue-side Moon lovers, I support this event and wish you folks the best!
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100 Undead Rogue
See you there :D
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100 Tauren Monk
The Sun Rock guards are pretty lax actually xD I'll tell them you come in peace. Just... don't touch them ;)
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100 Undead Rogue
If you guys are still running the story circles, could you toss a few calendar invs my way?
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100 Human Warrior
Hey this seems fun!

Sadly I am only a poor poor human =(
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100 Tauren Monk
This event will be happening again this saturday! I have moved the time back to 9:30pm ST to fit better as a Lunar festival. There will also be a d20 spar/duel and pet battles with prizes for the winners! (gold, tmog items, or battle pets).
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100 Tauren Monk
This event is tonight! Come one, come all!
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100 Tauren Monk
The Bazaar will be happening again this weekend! Come one, come all!
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74 Blood Elf Paladin
yey! For the first time I'll actually be able to attend this event! Woot woot!
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100 Night Elf Warrior
This sounds awesome! I'm um, betting Kaldorei aren't welcome... >.> But all best with it and have fun!
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100 Tauren Monk
I would love to make this a cross-faction event if there was enough interest and a translator! Perhaps someday!
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100 Tauren Monk
Reminder bumb for this event tomorrow!

Bring items to trade (GHI, in-game, or just emoted), a mouth to eat and drink, and feet to dance with! There will also be stories told and some small games! Come join us!
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100 Orc Monk
Grangulak will be there! Selling some kegs of ale, some cheaply done Pandaren-to-Orcish translations and being his usual 'Great' self.

Let's do this!
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100 Tauren Shaman
I will be there. and I will notify my tribe to come as well.
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100 Tauren Monk
We will be starting in 30 minutes! Looking forward to seeing you all there!
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100 Tauren Monk
Thanks so much to everyone that came! We had a great turnout and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves! Join us next month on October 3rd for the next Lunar Bazaar!
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