Dear Jargas,

100 Orc Warrior
I'll admit, when I first fought you about six weeks ago, you absolutely infuriated me. I had a grand total of 0 PvP pieces and two expansions rusty. You were my goal to obliterate. I farmed, learned, researched and died a LOT to get a decent set of gear.

And it all payed off, I started killing Alliance consistently, even becoming a threat to you when we erm...visited Stormwind. Today you surprised me. We were "visiting" the Blue Recluse again, and a lot of you showed up to say hi. We all knew when the fight was over and you pretty much hung out with us above the mage tower.

You further surprised me when you and Moonhealer followed us to the Harbor. You didn't outright attack us when we were clearing the boat, even agreeing to the one on one dual. To top it all off, when that other Warrior stomped in, you didn't compound on the opportunity. Moonhealer and yourself just stopped and let us fend off the second warrior, whose name I believe was Anguswinch, while we fended him off.

We had our dual, and it was close for a bit. I staved off the killing blow and you recognized that. Taking the loss with humility and respect.

Well Jargas, I won't stop looking for you on the battlefield. However now you are a rival to be respected and honored, not an annoying Warrior to stomp under my boot.
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This, this right here is what true world pvp is about. The rivalries, spontaneous chaos, the drive to be stronger, the Honor between foes both before the fight and after. You will never get that in arena or a battleground and sadly as world pvp has faded over the years so has much of what came with it.

What you state here gives me hope for the future, that one day it can be rekindled. It may not be as it once was in the old days, but you guys are keeping it alive and I really hope this spreads. Bringing honor and respect back to the fight.

A tedious as this may sound, I Really miss spending Hours running from place to place defending towns.
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100 Orc Warrior
07/31/2015 07:48 AMPosted by Rose
A tedious as this may sound, I Really miss spending Hours running from place to place defending towns.

I know exactly what you mean. Back when I played on Emerald Dream I remember pushing back and forth between Astranaar and Splintertree. Found a pair of rivals I sorely miss to this day in those fights.

And Rose, just FYI, your Pyroblasts hurt! I look forward to reflecting one back at you one day.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
This is what I love about going into Stormwind with people like you, Buron. You have such a great attitude, even when we get destroyed. We've all got someone we'd like to smack around a bit! Jargas has killed me many, many times...I don't even know how many honor points I've given him. It's still a heck of a lot of fun, though!

Btw, Rose...Once I'm PvP geared, we're totally going to duel. Fire mage VS fire mage.
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100 Undead Priest
*rubs hands together*

Yes.. more war..

More death....

More MEAT!

*heads to Beach House to write poems*
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07/31/2015 07:24 PMPosted by Lithliana

Btw, Rose...Once I'm PvP geared, we're totally going to duel. Fire mage VS fire mage.

I look forward to it. I will put forth more effort to gear up and build up my arsenal of gadgets. Since I don't hit battlegrounds (out of more frustration than anything) and don't have much love for arena, my conquest is limited to ashran on good days and murdering 100 people in the ogre arena.

I may be a bit scarce in the next few weeks since I'm on my 7 10 hour nights at work and will be hitting the beach right after. Plan to finish some writing while there and then maybe when I get back I can stir some trouble up.
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