For Arlston ((IC & OOC))

100 Undead Priest
A Ballad to Arlston

We danced so many times
Never speaking.

Your skill was unmatched
Ever peaking.

How I only wished I could eat your face,
Before you left us.

To feel your blade in my back;
Such a rush.

You smeared my corpse along the walls,
The steps and floor.

Took my heart with you when you left
Walked out that door.

Baby Face, YOU were one in a million.
No, make that one in a billion.

Seriously, I am going to miss you, Arlston. I will only have two regrets: Not eating you and never getting to know your characters ICly. I’m honored to say I knew you and hated you, but I’m even more privileged to call you my friend. I'm posting this here because I may not get to say goodbye to you in game before you go. I always had the highest respect for you as an enemy player, and I highly doubt anyone would be able to take that place of regard from you anytime soon, if ever.

Thank you for your service to our country, and KICK !@#. I hope you come back, but understand that may not happen. Just know that you are already missed, and you will be - by many - forever.
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100 Human Rogue
You're awesome Clottia. Don't ever change. Keep that good sport attitude, that craving for flesh, and that never say die mentality.
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100 Draenei Paladin
07/05/2015 04:51 PMPosted by Arlston
and that never say die mentality.

Newsflash, she's already dead.
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100 Draenei Warrior
((Thought I would post here also… Arlston from an in-character standpoint, none of my characters will miss you. I see fewer concussions in their future. Out of character, I wipe the tears away and will always be listening for that faint stealth echo, followed by a shadowy figure vanishing just out of eyesight. You will be missed.))
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100 Worgen Rogue
((Trust me, I'll miss him both in and out of character. Arlston's been a good friend, both in and out of character. You come back in one piece, you hear me?))
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100 Human Rogue
The reasons are pretty self-evident >>
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Human Warrior
((In character, I think Cale would have to duke it out with Kord to determine who will miss him most. And Cale will kick Kord's skinny little !@# :P

Out of character, you've been an amazing friend and I am super proud of you. You are going to do amazing things in the world. I will miss seeing you online each day, and raid nights will be a lot quieter without you. I suck at goodbyes, so this is not a goodbye. Go forth and be awesome!))
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100 Human Warrior

(jk i luv u <3)
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