Question to you! Any insight appreciated!

50 Tauren Druid
Hi there!

I'm planning to start a Troll-themed, heavy-RP, military guild but with a sense of community as well.

I'm scouting out the servers to see which would be a best fit. What do you guys think about Cenarion Circle?
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100 Human Rogue
As interesting as that would be CC's not that heavy on race/class themed things sadly :/ we don't really have the overall population to support such narrow criteria.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Seeing as a lot of us Horde-side have caught Troll fever recently...I think it would be worth a shot.
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100 Undead Priest
Who you callin' a troll fever?

But seriously it sounds like a fun idea, just difficult to pull off on our server because of our smallish RP community.
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