To Doomguard et al

100 Human Rogue
Thank you for turning out for that, it was a blast and a hell of a way to send Arl off in style :) we got quite a few pics which clottia can probably point you at!

or a link to one! I may make an album or something of them since we have a few.
Edited by Kordrion on 7/6/2015 9:39 PM PDT
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100 Worgen Rogue
Fun and murder was had by all.

It was the only way to properly send him off.
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100 Undead Priest
I was nearly in tears the whole time. :(

Was fun...but I was so damn sad.

Pub crawl in Stormwind later was nearly as fun, but not as special.

My bnet was down all night so your visit was a surprise. I hope you all had a good time, and I hope we put the drive in Arlston to return to us once he is done doing his duty.

I only managed to get a few pictures since I was busy scraping myself off the dust most of the night, but here is a link to my twitter:

PS: Your raid into our humble little town garnered us a new member. We are growing by the day it seems like, so thanks for the free
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