Dwarf Clan based RP Guild.

100 Dwarf Warrior
I am wondering if there are any active Dwarf based guilds on the server? I have been looking for a bit and the only lead I have gotten was the Ironforge Guard, and sadly they don't seem to be very active at the moment. Are there any others out there that are active? Is there just not much interest in dwarven rp?

If there are no other dwarf rp guilds out there would there be enough interested players out there to join up and create one?
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100 Dwarf Paladin
07/12/2015 09:46 AMPosted by Breetie
I am wondering if there are any active Dwarf based guilds on the server?

*wave* Howdy!

07/12/2015 09:46 AMPosted by Breetie
Are there any others out there that are active? Is there just not much interest in dwarven rp?

Unfortunately there just isn't the interest, at least that I have found... then again, I may not be striking the right cord. *head-scratch*

As I see it, the community in general is small enough that people generally already have their established (preferred and dedicated) characters/guilds/rp-story lines that its just not feasible for them to break away and commit to something like this, be it IFG or an actual dwarven-clan guild.
That's no slight against anyone mind you, just the way it is.
vOv *shrug*

Race themed guilds in general tend to not do well because of their limited scope, understandably.

Part of IFG's problem is that it is dwarf/gnome-centric, though we are open to humans provided their rp makes sense. Not a whole lot of people want to rp a dwarf (or gnome) and then limit themselves to the scope of a guard themed guild. I feel like "guard" scares most people away, (: heh.
Not to mention, whether I mean to be or not, I'm in direct competition with an already well established watch guild. (<3 SWU ^.^) I knew very well going into it that things were stacked well against me and the guild, but I've been trying in my own way since.

"I" am still active. While I long for a day the IFG might get up and running, I have thought about trying something else dwarf / IF themed different from the IFG. Something that may be more open and inviting. Stormwind is the people's mecca for rp. I'm completely ok with that, but I'm one that would like to see more constant rp in and around Ironforge and neighboring zones. ^.^ It's such a rich environment that's being under utilized.

07/12/2015 09:46 AMPosted by Breetie
If there are no other dwarf rp guilds out there would there be enough interested players out there to join up and create one?

So with all of that said I am one that is always interested in seeing how I may help / support / join IF-centric and Dwarf-themed rp, be they in the form of guilds or otherwise.
Edited by Ødin on 7/12/2015 11:20 AM PDT
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100 Dwarf Warrior
Odin thank you for your thoughts. After discussing it with others in the Alliance OOC channel and some advice and ideas from others I have decided to go with the "Khaz Modan Explorers". Just prior to this post the charter was turned in and is a dwarf/gnome based guild themed around exploration, adventure and drinking. The idea is to roleplay through PvE, achievements, and exploring then capping off the night with bragging about it at the local tavern while sharing a tankard of strong drink.

I know this will be a slow start and will take time to grow, and while I don't expect it to grow in size compared to some other guilds, I am more than happy to have a small group of active roleplayers than a guild with 90+ with hardly anyone on. Who knows if the Ironforge Guard thing does pick up some maybe after a large adventure you can arrest Breetie for making a scene after too much ale.
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I like to drink!

I like to explore!

Count me in!

I'm not sure the Stormwind Union could handle my shenanigans anyway!
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100 Dwarf Warrior
Just hit me up in game and I'd be happy to have a sit down and chat with ya. During the week I'm on mostly in the evenings due to work weekends it's on and off most of the day.
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