Khaz Modan Explorers (A-RP Guild)

100 Dwarf Warrior
The KME is a role play guild that is currently recruiting to fill it's ranks for players who are interested in roleplaying while exploring, adventuring, and completing achievements... then bragging about such things while sharing a tankard of their favorite drink with friends. This is a new guild currently made up of experienced role players, though we do not require who to be an experienced rp'er to join up, we are happy to assist you if role play is something you are new at, all we ask is that you are interested in learning.

Also we currently have contacts with in other guilds on the server and plan on some future cross guild and even cross faction events once our ranks have enough members to do so. Anyone interested in joining the guild or have questions can leave me a mail in game and I will try to make contact asap.
Edited by Breetie on 7/18/2015 10:33 AM PDT
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100 Gnome Priest
The old gnome sat at his desk deep down within the Conclave Archives. He stooped over a recent print of the Scholar new paper. His reading monocle held to one eye. A knock came at the closed door.

"Enter." Cail grumbled as he adjusted the monocle.

A young acolyte of the guild entered hefting a satchel over a shoulder. "Mail sire." Cail perked up, placing his monocle into a splendor cloth pouch at his waste band. The boy proceeded to pull fist full after fist full of folded, sealed letters of all sizes from the satchel. He placed them carefully into the wide "Inbox" that sat on the corner of the old gnome's desk. When he had finished the box was overflowing.

"That should do it sire." The boy nodded, taking a polite step back. Cail stood, straight way shuffled around to the inbox, and grabbed a hand full of documents. He eagerly flipped through each.

"Did you happen to spot a missive in here from the Khaz Modan Explorers?"

The boy squinted into the distance as he thought back. "Hmm, not that I recall sire, but then again with so many deliveries I tend to only look at the addressee. Not the addresser."

Cail groaned, sounding every bit his age. "Troubling." He swiftly examined each envelop in his hands, tossing them one by one onto his desktop. "I'd sent them a missive some time ago. I thought for certain I'd have heard back from them by now."

The old gnome glanced up at the boy through woolly eyebrows. "No matter. Thank you my boy." He dismissed him with a casual gesture then picked up another hand full of letters to sift through.
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100 Dwarf Warrior
Cluttered. No other word could describe the room. Various trophies of adventures litter the walls as dust and cobwebs connect them to each other. Table tops are covered in mountains of old books, parchments and maps... also with a empty tankards that once held ale. The room has a dim glow to it as candles flicker about the room in random locations, as if an after thought. The dwarf in the room is all across the room it seems at once, muttering to himself as he searches for something. A great horned owl sits atop his perch at the corner of a desk, scratching at a stake of letters, letting out a random screech from time to time.

"Oh hush Bronzebeak, canna' ye see I'm busy", the dwarf blurts out. But the owl continues at his task undaunted. Finally the dwarf lifts his head and stares at the bird. With a huff the dwarf drops his shoulders in defeat, "Fine ye blasted bird, wha' be ye problem?" The dwarf makes his way to the desk and plops down in the chair, grabbing one of the tankards and with a sad sigh tosses it over his shoulder, clattering to the floor upon finding it empty. He reaches out and pulls the stack of letters to him. As he flips through the letters he reads softly to himself.

"Let's see here...Hello, good sir... gnome mage... to learn... consider allowing...adventures." The dwarf smiles and looks up to his companion, "Well lookie there, a gnome be interested in join da Explorers. Remind me ta send'em a letter." The dwarf sets the letter aside and moves on to the next one, as he flips to the next letter he looks it over and snorts as he mutters the word "elf" under his breath the sets the letter aside. He then looks to the next in the stack and pauses slightly as he looks it over and reads it aloud... growing slightly in excitement as he reads...

"Hello there! You may not remember me. We met briefly in the Trade District of Stormwind the other day. I failed to introduce myself.

I am Cail Ean Mahlr'D, Scholar-Doctor-Curator of the scholarly society known as Conclave.

Conclave is dedicated to the research, discovery, and requisition of little known, lost or forgotten histories, strange and familiar magics, and artifacts of consequence. Our libraries are vast and our records deep.

I mention all this because I have a keen interest in your Exploration Branch.

Our time these days is sorely taxed and I believe an association between Conclave and the Khaz Modan Explorers can be mutually beneficial.

Please give this proposal careful thought. I eagerly await your reply.

Cail Ean Mahlr'D
gMD, Sch, Ctr-Conclave"

The dwarf slams his hand down on the desk, causing his owl friend to jump, "DURN IT BROZEBEARD I TOLD YE TA REMIND ME TA SEND'EM A LETTER!" The dwarf starts shuffling through his desk searching for a quill and parchment, in the process a envelope falls to the floor, it is address to "Breetie Stronghammer, Grand Explorer of the Khaz Modan Explorers".
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