My shipyard will predict the GOP primary

100 Night Elf Rogue
Do you stand with Rand? Well it may be time to strike up the band.

Long clip to make a rhyme work....

Oh... and the John Kasick sunk too. Same mission in fact.

I've kind of assumed that this was going to slow-bleed, but having two go down raises an interesting possibility: what if no one wins?
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100 Tauren Druid
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100 Night Elf Rogue
The Chris Christie is the latest casualty. There are only six more ships left!

Getting down to the.... no... not really... the eligible field is still bigger than the Democratic field.
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100 Draenei Shaman
10/14/2015 06:59 PMPosted by Kyalin

I've kind of assumed that this was going to slow-bleed, but having two go down raises an interesting possibility: what if no one wins?

I guess that means the race goes to the Democrats. In the Primaries. PLOT TWIST
Edited by Belpha on 10/20/2015 12:45 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Rogue
It was dusk when the salvage ship came upon the site. The Iron Horde had been pursuing this vessel for a while, and with its sinking, the salvage crews were sure to hit upon the jackpot this time. Three goblins, laden down in deep-sea diving gear plunged into the warm ocean, communicating with each other using short-range radios built into the helmets.

"Where's the wreck!?" One of them demanded. The lead goblin didn't at first reply, proceeding doggedly down. After a minute or so he realized that something was wrong. The only thing they could identify was this giant golden sea anemone swaying in the current. "The thing should be here!"

"These are Orcs, Fritz! They always get it wrong!" Another one of them said.

"Wait... wait, I see a mast in that thing. That's it!"

They proceeded feverishly downward, adopting a formation as they got closer. The ship was evidently inside of the anemone, somehow. A more prudent group may have questioned this. This one probably should have, for a few seconds after Fritz had gotten close enough, the anemone wrapped a few golden strands around his ankle.

"What the hell? Katie, get the cutter over here!"

Suddenly the hulk burst to life, a garish glow of primary colors erupted from inside the wreck - the anemone was attached to the ship! It was a haunted ship! Shattered boards on the deck split to form teeth, and before the goblin with the cutter could render aid, the strand of hair pulled Fritz down into the ship's maw, grabbing the other goblin in the same manner. The third tried to make a run for it, but he too had ventured too close to the monster. board crunched bone, and globs of blood floated away from the wreck, traveling through the now-becalmed, golden strands as they swayed in the current.

The Donald Trump has sunk.
Edited by Kyalin on 11/4/2015 5:22 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Rogue
In order to escalate the sinkings, I rented out two of my docks for 75% off.

The Rick Santorum was trampled in the ensuing stampede.

Happy Black Friday, everyone!
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