Thinking about transferring! Rper here!

60 Worgen Hunter
Hey! I'm over here on Wyrmrest Accord but uhm... Well let's just say I have a bit of wanderlust and want a fresh start somewhere. I heard this server was snazzy and wanted to hear how the rp community here on Cenarion Circle is. Would... Would you adopt me?
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100 Night Elf Rogue
I'm sure that everyone here will be glad to have you. We have a strong RP community, if a bit reclusive at times. So here's the best way to get in contact with us.

The Alliance and the Horde have worldwide OOC channels that are used for OOC chat and coordination. They're named (as you might expect) AllianceOOC and HordeOOC. Most of the time we talk about various topics - while I lie in wait for something to complain about - but it's an excellent resource for finding others who are also looking for RP.

If you haven't perused it already, by the way, take a look at the RP guild/event directory.

One word of advisement I'd give to you is that the server is very much event based, meaning that we have several events which take place on a weekly basis and that RP tends to gravitate around it. As a result of that and our lower population, our random RP will not be on par with Wyrmrest Accord. However, with CRZ, those communities remain accessible.

But with that said, I encourage you to give a shot. We will welcome you when you do.
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60 Worgen Hunter
07/12/2015 08:00 PMPosted by Kyalin
As a result of that and our lower population, our random RP will not be on par with Wyrmrest Accord. However, with CRZ, those communities remain accessible.

Nonsense! I only talk to a few people already. It shouldn't be too much of a shift.
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100 Draenei Mage
07/12/2015 07:49 PMPosted by Gwenlian
Would... Would you adopt me?

Stay away from Clottia... She'd gladly "adopt" you :P

CC is a wonderful community, small but strong and it's got a lot going on!

I hope you find a home here! <3
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60 Worgen Hunter
07/12/2015 08:24 PMPosted by Zaranae
Clottia... She'd gladly "adopt" you :P


Also! Thank you for your responses Zaranae and Kyalin.
Edited by Gwenlian on 7/12/2015 8:28 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Rogue
07/12/2015 08:27 PMPosted by Gwenlian
07/12/2015 08:24 PMPosted by Zaranae
Clottia... She'd gladly "adopt" you :P


Also! Thank you for your responses Zaranae and Kyalin.

But of course. If you ever find yourself in Darnassus, look me up.
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100 Undead Priest

Worgen for adoption.

Please come to the Brill Cemetery Plot # 08732.

Look for the disturbed earth.

*polishes utensils*
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100 Blood Elf Mage

I actually transferred here from WrA a few months ago! I like it here a lot. I had a lot of trouble finding RP first - I didn't know about the events, and I wasn't in a guild. So those are your first two steps: 1) Find out about the events that go on, and attend some of them. 2) Join an RP guild! There's a list of some on the forums here. I haven't done anything Alliance-side here yet, but some guild names that stick out to me are AAMS Alliance Branch, Terra Incognita, Stormwind Union, and Conclave. Don't take my word for it, though. I don't even know if they're all RP guilds. They're just names I see on the forums and when I make a trip into Stormwind to smash some faces.
Join the chat channels, too! Don't be afraid to just jump in and introduce yourself. What I've found is that most everyone on this server is very welcoming and not elitist at all. It's wonderful.

Also...don't stay away from Clottia. She's amazing, even if she might want to eat your face.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
07/12/2015 11:11 PMPosted by Clottia

Worgen for adoption.

Please come to the Brill Cemetery Plot # 08732.

Look for the disturbed earth.

*polishes utensils*

Clottia, how many times do you need to be stomped outside the Blue Recluse before it clicks? *chuckles*
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100 Human Warrior
The Stormwind Union is always looking for more people!

Taken from our recruitment post:

The Stormwind Watch is recruiting all able-bodied men and women to fight on the front lines. You will be fighting side to side with one of the most experienced and steady forces under arms for the kingdom. Experience in combat is preferred, but not required. Training will be provided.

Opportunities exist to join one of the Watch's special units. Inquire with a recruiter for more details.

Civilian support roles also need to be filled! If you can cook, know fortifications, have administrative skills, or can assist in another useful way, you are welcome to apply.

Everyone Has the Opportunity to Serve Our Kingdom and Protect Your Friends and Family!


I also highly recommend Conclave, AAMS Alliance Branch, or Feathers of Iron as options for RP Guilds.
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100 Draenei Warrior
<looks for a leash> My worgen!
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100 Draenei Paladin
<looks for a leash> My worgen!

Don't you have a gnome to punt or a pod to hibernate in or something?
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100 Human Paladin
Like the song says... come "dip a toe" and give us a try. Just roll an alt and chat with everyone in the channels Kyalin mentioned.
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100 Worgen Druid
<looks for a leash> My worgen!

If Vlad finds out, he will chew up your shoes. Maybe even leave you a little present on the floor of your house.
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100 Worgen Warrior
<looks for a leash> My worgen!

If Vlad finds out, he will chew up your shoes. Maybe even leave you a little present on the floor of your house.

I regret nothing.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin

If Vlad finds out, he will chew up your shoes. Maybe even leave you a little present on the floor of your house.

I regret nothing.

*indicates the worgen droppings he stepped in* Wrong house, pal. She's next door.
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