Looking for an RP guild

94 Tauren Shaman
Hello all, I'm Udoarm.

I've been away from WoW for a while, since about the beginning of WoD. I used to be really involved with RP back when I first started playing in BC, up until about the end of WotLK, but I haven't really been part of an RP guild, nor have I really met anybody new since then.

Well, most of my friends don't play anymore, save for a couple, and I thought it was time I tried to become part of something again... So I'm here on CC/SoE looking for an RP guild to call home, some new people to meet and hang out with.

If it helps, I have a bit of character for Udoarm... He's a pacifist, and has devoted himself mostly to healing. He's spent most of his life avoiding major cities, looking to keep separate from as much of the recent conflicts as possible (You know, Garrosh and the Siege of Orgrimmar, the Alliance/Horde conflict that's been building in the wake of the Cataclysm.)

I guess now that I'm back I want to bring him back in, kind of explore his reintegration with society and see how he does. That's the IC angle, anyways. OOC, I'm just looking for some cool new people to RP and play the game with, looking to belong to a guild once again, instead of just drifting.
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100 Human Warrior
If he's a pacifist and keeps himself separate from the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde, he might be a good fit for AAMS. AAMS is the Anytime, Anywhere Messenger Service, a guild that has branches in both factions. They act as messengers and intermediaries between the two factions, deliver goods, provide translation services, the like. They are a truly amazing guild. You'll want to talk to Kezrin for more information.

Otherwise, /join HordeOOC
If you haven't already added the hordeside OOC channel, it's where all the roleplayers are hiding :) Unfortunately, I am not well versed in hordeside RP, but you will find many people in that channel who will be more than happy to help you find a good home for your character.

Likewise, if you ever decide to pop over to the blue side, join AllianceOOC and you'll find a lot of helpful (and sometimes, very silly) people.

Good luck!
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100 Draenei Warrior
We are all sane on the blue side
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100 Draenei Mage
<looks up> Who are you talking about???
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100 Draenei Warrior
Shush!!! You're not supposed to be here.
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100 Human Rogue
08/17/2015 10:47 AMPosted by Noikona
We are all sane on the blue side

<looks up> Who are you talking about???

08/17/2015 10:49 AMPosted by Noikona
Shush!!! You're not supposed to be here.

*Quietly tosses a blanket over Noikona*

Don't mind her, she's an experiment we havn't quite managed to shove back together yet. We're working on it though!
Edited by Kordrion on 8/17/2015 11:42 AM PDT
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100 Goblin Shaman
Oh.. well I guess I'd better make an appearance in this thread, hmm?

Calent's summed up the AAMS pretty well. We're a very small guild, only a handful of people, but we're more than happy to give a home to new people who'd like an IC reason to be pretty much anywhere and talking to anyone. Our biggest restriction is that since we're bi-factional, we have limits on what open world PvP you can engage in. You can contact me in game if you like, or visit aams.enjin.com for more information. We host a weekly Lounge Night on Saturdays at 7pm server at Hardwrench Hideaway, Cape of Strangelthorn.

The other Hordeside RP guilds I'd suggest you look at:

<Da Doctas> They're one of the guilds that have been around since Vanilla, and like the name suggests, have a bunch of healers. They may suite you with the healing angle you have. They host a Clinic every Tuesday in Orgrimmar at 7pm server, so if you're around tomorrow evening, stop by and say hello! Sidonwy is the current GM.

<Doomguard> They're more militaristic, so may not fit your theme, but they have the advantage of being very active at the moment and having some wonderful people. Even if you don't join their guild, I highly recommend you say hello to them, too. Their GM is Vaqnegh.

<The Broken House> I'm not sure if they're recruiting, but they're another active RP group that's been a staple on our sister server, Sisters of Elune, for quite a while. They host the Sunday storytelling in Thunderbluff at 5pm server. Eleya would be the person to talk to.

<Homeland> Another old name, Homeland's a kind of safe haven for all types who are looking for a place to call "home." Onixhoof can yell at me if I'm not getting that quite right.

<The Park> A new guild, similar to Homeland in that it accepts all types, but the characters in the guild aren't necessarily all comrades or know each other IC. The name is related to their IC chat channel which represent a park anyone can roleplay in while doing other things. The GM is Thaettir, who hosts the weekly Walking with the Elements, usually on Fridays, at various locations.

Both those last guilds are very small (even smaller than the AAMS since they don't have a second, Alliance side counterpart) but are good places to go if you're looking for an RP guild Hordeside but don't want to commit to being part of Da Doctas' school or military, or if you're looking for a neutralish sort of guild but want to be able to participate in RP PvP raids.

One last bit of advice: one of the things I love about CC/SoE is that you don't have to be in a dedicated RP guild to be included. If you join the HordeOOC channel, attend a few events and make friends, you'll start making connections and we won't care what tag is over your head. Don't rush into joining a guild because you think you need one. See who's around at the same time you are and find a guild that makes sense for you and your character.
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94 Tauren Shaman
Thanks for all the replies and information! It helps a lot, now I have some ideas of where to look and how to jump in.
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