Are the Blood elves' addiction cured?

71 Orc Shaman
A lot of people (especially RPers) think that because the sunwell is restored and now is a fountain of mostly holy energy, their addiction is cured. But in fact its like giving a crack addict a life time supply of meth. Its not the same thing, but it sates their symptoms and cravings.

Thats my view on it. Anyone willing to discuss?
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85 Goblin Shaman
What do you mean by cured? Do you mean that they draw upon fel magic for power, still?

I guess it could be argued that the Warlocks do, but no one else really has grounds to say they do. They'd be pretty much shunned from society, since it seems to be on a path to redemption. The priests and paladins are now drawing their magic from the Sunwell, and the Mages still the Arcane.

They're still using the magic pretty carelessly, in my opinion, but on a much small scale. I'd say the addiction is all but gone, but the lingering effects (green eyes, torn society) are all still prominent. The effects will be long-lasting, even if the addiction to the fel is not.
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87 Blood Elf Paladin
As far as I understand it, the bad thing about blood elves is that they were addicted to FEL magic, which is pretty bad mojo in the world of Azeroth. Addicting them to Holy energy via the revived Sunwell is more taking a meth addict and putting him on, say, a sugar placebo and still getting the same result, since Holy energy isn't "bad for you".

So, while some blood elves might be cured of their addiction to Fel magic, they will always, in some form or fashion still have their addiction to Power, in general. My character, for example, constantly fights with what she calls "The Thirst" (for more power) which is almost an entity in and of itself that's always gnawing at the hem of her soul and trying to tempt her into taking and using more power than she should.

Ultimately, it's all up for interpretation, since nothing has really been written for the Blood Elves since the revival of the Sunwell. As with anything, some characters will change for the Good, others will change for the Bad, and others won't change at all.
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Though relatively unhurt by the Shattering, the Blood Elves of Quel'Thalas are still dealing with sating their addiction. With the encouragement of their Regent Lord, Lor'themar Theron, and the renewed Sunwell's Holy energy, a great number of Sin'dorei resolved to overcome the magical addiction that had plagued their race, though some still cling to their old ways.

Taken from
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
An addiction is just that.
An addiction.
They were originally addicted to the Sunwell. It got blown up, they resorted to the next best thing. Fel energy crystals from Outlands. And for a time, things were good. Yes, there was the occasional Wretched that came about from lack of a 'fix', but even then some elves turn Wretched even while satiating their need for Power.
And now that the Sunwell is back and Elven society is now getting their addiction met, they are now aware that they have this addiction. So it should be no surprise at all that Bloodthistle or Fel Crystals are still in the market and used in a recreational manner.
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48 Blood Elf Hunter
My little Shale here sates her addiction with fel blood. She'll put a drop or two into her drink and will feel a bit better. I'm trying to get her to take it more often, though, similar to a drug addiction. Eventually that one or two drops won't be enough for her, and it will increase. Not quite sure how that's gonna work out from her character development, but I'm sure it'll be interesting =) .

When I was reading about the blood elves, it said that they've been starting to help their addiction with meditation every morning. Shale's just impatient, so she uses fel blood like it's a calming pill.
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85 Orc Mage
My mage had only used Fel in any large amount since the destruction of the first Sunwell to curb his hunger, after that he began to use it in extremely small amounts and used meditation to sate him, similar to the High Elves. After that, he immediately began to draw from the renewed Sunwell, and then, eventually, whatever power source the Old Gods generate.
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The Blood Elves have ALWAYS been addicted to one form of magic or another. It became a crisis when the Sunwell was corrupted by Arthas and put down by Kael'thas. Things are a bit better now, but the use of Fel Energy doesn't let go of it's mark that easily, especially on those who use magic most.
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75 Blood Elf Rogue
A lot of people (especially RPers) think that because the sunwell is restored and now is a fountain of mostly holy energy, their addiction is cured. But in fact its like giving a crack addict a life time supply of !@#$. Its not the same thing, but it sates their symptoms and cravings.

Thats my view on it. Anyone willing to discuss?

Elves - all elves - are to some extent dependent upon Arcane Magic, because they emerged as a race through the influence of the original Well of Eternity. They are innately magical beings.

Note that Night Elves, for all their claims to the contrary, still revere the Well of Eternity and use its waters to bless their Moonwells. Satyrs use a fel-corrupted variety of Moonwell in the same manner.

The Sunwell was simple the Quel'dorei version of this, in a sort of "all your eggs in one basket" fashion. It was created with water from the Well of Eternity, and further empowered by the ley energies that made Quel'Thalas an attractive spot in which to settle.

While the Night Elves do curtail their use of Arcane Magic (without being free from a certain degree of dependence), High Elves did not. They simply hid their magical activity with rune stones to prevent attracting the attention of the Burning Legion, and this strategy was successful.

The Sunwell was destroyed, their addiction became accute, and those most subsceptible became the Wretched. High Magister Rommath returned from Outland with a solution - tapping fel energies from demon-imbued crystals. But this did not turn Blood Elves into Fel Elves in the way drinking demon blood would for Kael'thas' followers in Outland. It simply made them more vain, ruthless, hedonistic and vengeful - heightening vices they already possessed.

The restoration of the Sunwell did not free the Blood Elves from Arcane addiction. It merely restored a reliable source, and balanced the felfire crystal influece with Holy Light. It did not restore Blood Elves to High Elves - their eyes are still green, etc.

Nor did Blood Elf society give up Fel magic. A Warlock sanctum still exists in Murder Row. Felfire Crystals can be found in every area of Silvermoon except Farstrider Square. Felfire Crystals can be found throughout Eversong Woods as well.

It is debatable whether all Blood Elves are Fel-addicted, although some undoubtedly are. All remain dependent upon Arcane energies, but there are now more sources upon which to draw.
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90 Night Elf Warrior
Just so you know, this thread was made over a year ago.
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