Orc not stupid. Orc have Pedigree.


/holds corpse of murdered mother

Thanks Orcs :)

But yes, I respect the intelligence of all races.

However they are all sub-par, compared to... the might... of the Gnomes!

/mechanical chicken

Watch it! Watch it... RUN IN CIRCLES!


85 Orc Warrior
Rofl RP nerds in this thread.
85 Human Mage
Rofl someone who was looking for the Off-Topic forum to discuss nonsensical topics and wound up in a thread which actually has some intelligent conversation.
44 Undead Rogue
Rofl someone who was looking for the general forums to QQ about nerfs and OPness and wound up in a thread which actually has some intelligent conversation and discussions.
85 Worgen Warlock
01/20/2011 12:26 PMPosted by Andianton
Rofl someone who was looking for the Off-Topic forum to discuss nonsensical topics and wound up in a thread which actually has some intelligent conversation.

I don't think the above poster counts discussion about a video game based on prequels and small snippets of the game as "intelligent."

That being said, I have learned much about orcs by reading this thread. I am sorry we cannot understand you RPers.

PS: Orcs are dumb. Their racial sux
8 Worgen Mage


I don't think the above poster counts discussion about a video game based on prequels and small snippets of the game as "intelligent."

That being said, I have learned much about orcs by reading this thread. I am sorry we cannot understand you RPers.

PS: Orcs are dumb. Their racial sux

What ever happened to "I'm gonna roll <race> for my <class> because I think <race> is awesome, and I personally like them!"?

Of course, if you want to be a min-maxer, race-hopping is an optional service you are recommended to take, but, hell, when does that matter when you don't like playing a race? Race-hopping is just as wasteful as FotM-rolling, imo, and even then, if you're a good enough player, racials don't exactly matter much.
Edited by Katherine on 1/20/2011 9:57 PM PST
67 Dwarf Warrior
01/18/2011 2:18 PMPosted by Mackali

Rush up on your lore guyz

Dwarves are masters of siege weaponry ( hence the steam tanks ) Master craftsman, and are generally pretty intelligent. But sometimes their rage gets ahold of them; just not as often as orcs lose their rage.
5 Goblin Hunter
eh, orcs are just as smart as they want to be.
35 Blood Elf Hunter
03/07/2011 2:34 PMPosted by Uraximillian
eh, orcs are just as smart as they want to be.

no wonder garrosh is an idiot he wishes to be.

Orcs rule!
76 Draenei Paladin
Holy thread necro Batman!
35 Blood Elf Hunter
03/07/2011 3:06 PMPosted by Seylus
Holy thread necro Batman!

what? please type normal.
90 Worgen Death Knight
Anyone who thinks orcs are stupid didn't pay attention to the lore and shouldn't be RPing (unless its their character that thinks orcs are stupid)

TBH, orcs are probably the race I respect the most. Very rich history, a noble heritage, a tragic past, and hey, if not for the orcs, the Alliance wouldn't exist.

No alliance means when the demons show up, Azeroth dies. Thank the orcish horde, all of you!

I agree, thanks orcs!
90 Worgen Death Knight
/is standing on pile of thousands of dead orcs, why blades covered in orc blood
"What, were we not supposed to kill them?"

/looks at graves of murdered family
F*ck you, orcs.
85 Tauren Hunter
It actually was just demon blood and surprise that allowed the Orcs to destroy the Draenei. Before they were made as puppet heads for the Burning Legion through Gul'dan, they were far from even considering war with the Draenei. It was completely unexpected when they attacked the Draenei, not to mention that they became crazy bloodthirsty killing machines. And they barely used any military strategy to defeat the Draenei. In Nobundo's short story, it talked about him as a Paladin defending Shattrath city from the hordes of the Orcs. There was a sentence that talked about their lack of strategy which was obvious by the fact that they didn't obliterate the foliage that surrounded the city that was a great advantage to Shattrath's defenders. Overall, I think that the Orcs are capable of more intelligence than an Ogre, but they definately are not as smart as Humans. They have primitive houses, all their people are either warriors or peons, and you have to remember that there is a very few amount of Orcs that are Mages. Yes they are a powerful war machine, but their power was earned through hot-headed decisions and brash leaders. Just take the Horde's increase of power during Cataclysm as an example. It was all through Garrosh Hellscream's leadership, and it is obvious to everybody that he is not one for strategy. Not to mention the fact that they have engulfed themselves in needless battle without thinking through their options. The Horde's excuse for their attacks on the Kaldorei and the Alliance of Kalimdor is that they are in desperate need of resources, but they have all of Azshara's resources and the Horde's forces in Ashenvale would be put to much better use aiding Desolation Hold to take out the Northwatch Expedition which actually deserve to be obliterated. And also i suggest you read Baine Bloodhoof's leader short story. Stupid Garrosh and his lackeys are transporting much of Mulgore's water supply to Durotar just because they don't want to stop the Goblin's resource extraction operations in the northern branch of the Southfury River which are polluting Durotar's main water supply for the sake of thoughtless war. i love the Horde and the Orcs, but it dosen't mean they are very smart.
People tend to confuse pride and honor alongside tribal-like values with "Stupid", "Uncivilized" even.

It's expected, but not always true.
61 Night Elf Hunter
f I had a copper...Truth be told, for a race that went from hunters, herders, and nomads to a war machine in a decade or so, the orcs are a lot more cunning and intelligent then most everyone thinks... You think it was demon power and surprise alone that allowed them to drive the Draenei to the brink of extinction in the blink of an eye?

Then enter the Dark Portal. They stepped into a world they knew absolutely -nothing- about, and in short order proved to be the fiercest and most feared military force the collective alliance had ever faced. Even before joining forces with the trolls and goblins, when the humans dwarves and high elves (All at the peek of their respective civilizations) even united, the orcs were able to organize, plan out, and launch a massive blitzkrieg practically overnight.

While not 'smart' in the way a college student or mechanically inclined like a gnome, orcs as a whole bare a military intellect, tenacity, and surgically exact cunning that makes even a handful of grunts a realistic threat against multiple squads of alliance soldiers.

Being possessed by demons, then led by a human trained master. All Orc Intelligence came from other Races.
100 Human Warlock
Other than the Frostwolves and some named exceptions, I detest the concept that the larger majority of orcs are so willing to embrace being slaves to Gul'dan, to the Legion, whatever. I guess they were just bred to be enslaved and their naturally-given traits perverted into a war machine.

WoW is about conflict, but, jeez, the whole "orc" vs. "human" thing is getting old. One would think, given the evolution of either faction whether for good or ill, that they could move into another direction less focused on the same old boring war of the Alliance vs. the Horde.
100 Undead Death Knight

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