A ripple in time (H + A RP)

100 Blood Elf Warlock
((So to start HI EVERYBODY!! I'm somewhat new to the server but i really enjoy how active the RP community seems to be and i was trying to think of an idea that could help some people establish / introduce their characters so i came up with a little idea. If you want to do an in-game thing with this by all means shoot me a message! Horde or Alliance, my character can speak some basic common, Titan, Eredun (Demonic), a small amount of Draconic, and the standard horde ones. If you would like to talk in-game shoot me a message my battle tag is Nicholas #1900.)

Forethose furrowed his brow as he walked around one of the broken pillars of the Dark Portal. His researched thus far led him to believe that the answer lied somewhere within this structure. All his years of research and sacrifice and his goal was just within his grasp, but no book nor ancient tome would unravel this mystery. He sought to travel forward in time, not back to Azeroth but the to Deanor's future or was it The Outlands past? He shook his head the semantics of it did not matter what did matter is that the only way forward was to experiment. He set about preparing his ritual, ending with a few drops of Bronze Dragonflight blood. He knew that there would most likely be repercussions from the experiments and he knew he had to work fast. As he finished and recited the incantation a blast of power erupted from the stones. Forethose cursed in Eredun under his breath, a fancy light show, nothing more. He sighed and set about taking notes and setting up another, little did he know this 'light show' affected others, across Dreanore and Azeroth.

((i know its short but from here have fun! :) how did the blast effect you? (if it did at all) did you get a headache and see what your life might have been had you taken a different road? did you see the future of what may happen should you fail to do some great deed? or perhaps you just saw yourself during a happier time. The choice is completely up to you! P.S sorry this is sorta rough its my first time doing ANYTHING RP related in WoW if i need to add any details or have any suggestions please let me know i'm always open to criticism.))
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100 Gnome Priest
09/11/2015 10:10 PMPosted by Forethose
or Alliance,

((I'm game. ^.^ I have a few ideas involving my series of alts this could work with. I'll suss them out and post something. Short stories ok on this thread? I also wouldn't mind scheduling something in-game if you'd like to casually meet and banter horde side. I'll touch base with you soonish.))
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
((in game is awesome! i'm on as often as i can be just add me on B-net and we can schedule something and do a thing. Also anything you want to post is absolutely fine on here as much or as little as you want! hope to hear from you soon.))
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100 Undead Priest
Time. No such thing existed. Not in this place.

A vaguely familiar withered frame stood at the tower's window. Overlooking the ruinous world below the woman pondered on her being. Was she dead? Was this life? Maybe a dream. A nightmare. Everything was so familiar to her, but strangely alien. Muted. She gazed out over the ruined walls that once might have been a grand castle, in some fracture of a memory, and took in the distant sunrise. It seemed so far away. Further than it should be. It light didn't warm. It's burning colors muted to... nothing.

Everything was either black, white, or some variation of gray as seen through a haze of pale blue void. Void, she thought. That's how I feel. Devoid of feeling. She moved an arm. Flexed the fingers on the hand attached. It felt odd, both heavy and light. Like moving through something thicker than air.

She was so confused. These thoughts, they troubled her. Shards of memories plagued her endlessly for ages it felt.

In the distance a silent bell rung. Coming easy at first it grew intense. She felt the strange world around her reverberate. This ringing without sound shook her very being. It pulsed through her, rending the veil of forgetfulness that hid the truth from her. It was painful. She raised her hands to her head as if felt like it might split in two. When the moment passed she blinked and turned again to the window.

Lordaeron. The thought rang clear in her mind. I know where this is. Where I am. They were familiar ruins to her, yet still there was a strange quality about them. Slowly the torn veil parted revealing bits of truth. I am home. This is home, but not home. This is... not my realm.

The Void. The second thought rang clear. I... am... in the Void. Was this death? True death? What was that ringing? It came from beyond this place. From some where else entirely. Some answers still eluded her, though a certain uneasy clarity of her reality began to settle.

Revantusk. The third thought rang clear. Hearing it in her mind she turned to the direction from which it came. Though she stood in the darkness of her ruined tower, staring at a blank stone wall, her vision tore past it. Her sight soared over land and waters, through clouds then trees before it settled on a place she knew of. A place she had only visited once, a lifetime ago it seemed.

She saw the old troll village situated on the coast. Though it felt dark, as though it were night time, her eyes perceived it as equally as the day. Some distance from the village was a strange rectangle of freshly turned earth. Something that resembled a grave. Around it were two personages. A strangely familiar beast at one end sat silently. The second moved and danced around, torch in hand, chanting rhythmically. The words this one chanted called to her.

In a voice perceived more than heard, the chanting beckoned her to this old troll village. She knew then what she must do. Descending the ruins of her tower she began her long journey. It may take her hours, days, or another lifetime, but this is what she was called to do. This was the only way for her to get the answers she sought.

...and it was all thanks to that strange ethereal bell that rang silently from some other realm.

((This connects in with this story thread at post #6. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/18300739156?page=1#7 ))
Edited by Bånshee on 9/15/2015 9:46 AM PDT
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