why has our cluster of servers fallen offline

100 Dwarf Monk
i was fighting xt-002 and didn't bother clearing the trash and it bugged the teleporter so that i couldn't get in. for whatever reason i couldn't kill the adds and then the server went down. then all the servers on our whole cluster went down!

sorry about that

can someone at blizz look into it? I need to get my val'anyr shards
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100 Draenei Warrior
08/18/2015 11:15 PMPosted by Dastott
can someone at blizz look into it? I need to get my val'anyr shards

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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I love how Blizzard says it's a DDoS and the Legion of Gloom says "Blizzard should be able to stop them".
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100 Orc Warrior
I forget where it was, but there was one dev who utterly WRECKED a guy who kept insisting that, Ket.

Like, people were quoting the post for pages just going "rekt/10" "*mic drop*" and other such translations of the phrase "you just got owned, son"

EDIT: Found it... I'll post it for your enjoyment.

I have much more knowledge of how they work, and how to combat them then you assume. Feed that pablum to the unschooled masses.

Sorry, <redacted>, I can only base my responses off of the information I have. Since you were trying to imply that we were simply using a DDOS as an excuse for another technical issue I felt it necessary to clarify. Since you also seemed to indicate that we, like most other companies in the world, weren't entirely immune to them, it seemed like you didn't truly understand how that all worked.

My mistake.
Edited by Korigal on 8/19/2015 11:26 AM PDT
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