New to the RP servers

100 Human Hunter
Hello everyone, I am not new to WoW though I haven't played in many years, I am just getting back into it at the moment actually. But, I have never played on an RP server before I am really interested in getting into the RP part of the game and was wondering if anyone could give me any pointers?

I am not new to roleplaying though I've only ever roleplayed on forum type websites like JCINK and what not, so this is new to me in this state! I am lpoking for a guild that's RP based with friendly people willing to help me get the hang of things :)

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100 Worgen Druid
Old to WoW, young to RP here as well. From my limited experience within this community...I would patient. Especially on this realm(s) there is less walk-up RP than on some larger populated realms. Lots of great people here though and I believe that tons of RP happens, its just mostly in-Guild. I would say a neat way to meet some of the Cen Circle RPers would be to joint the /AllianceOOC channel for is busier than trade half the time lol. Also...Wed @ 9PM EST (is that correct Genevra?) Conclave's Guild Leader does a Sermon behind the Chapel...lots to see / listen to there. Apologies if my info is off Gen.
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100 Gnome Priest
08/24/2015 06:35 AMPosted by Volstâgg
Wed @ 9PM EST

Wednesday @ 6pm Realm time (Pacific Standard Time)
*checks google for conversions*
Yes. 9pmEST is correct ^.^

High five Volstagg! That pretty well covers it. Join /allianceooc and chat away, ask questions, get to know people. The rp community here is rather friendly and helpful. There is no shortage of knowledgeable people that would be willing to help you with your character or find a guild.

As for guilds ((*waves Conclave banner*)) there are several around that pretty well cover the general spectrum of rp themes. I can't find the link at the moment, but perhaps someone will post up a link to our guild macro of DOOOOOOOM which lists all the active guilds for you to peruse.

For beginners I'd suggest looking through the various stickies about rp at the top of the forum. I know you said you're not new to it, but a skimming review is always helpful. :)

Welcome to CC-SOE! I hope I'll see you around in game. ^.^
Edited by Caileanmor on 8/24/2015 11:03 AM PDT
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100 Draenei Paladin

I will also take the time to plug our monday events. On alternating mondays we have the Pia Clinic, where characters can go to get their wounds healed, or help those in need of healing. We also have Troubadour Night, where you can come and listen (and tell if you like) stories, poetry, and songs.

Join AllianceOOC and meet up with the crew. I moved here to Cenarion Circle from a very high population PvE server a few years ago and I have never regretted it. Folks here are just genuinely nice.
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100 Human Paladin
08/24/2015 06:35 AMPosted by Volstâgg
Also...Wed @ 9PM EST (is that correct Genevra?) Conclave's Guild Leader does a Sermon behind the Chapel...lots to see / listen to there. Apologies if my info is off Gen.

This is correct, except that this week is a Draenor Chapel week, outside of the garrison in Shadowmoon Valley.
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100 Draenei Warrior
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/24/2015 06:30 PMPosted by Noikona

No, Noikona! Down! Heel!
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100 Human Hunter
Caileanmor as for the list of guilds; there is a sticky with a list of guilds. Is that what you meant or is there another list somewhere? *searches the board* :) I am LOVING that alliance OOC Chat! Thank you to everyone who pointed that out :D

Noikona & Valmy I am assuming Noikona does this a lot haha :) that's ok, I can be a minion! =P
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100 Draenei Mage
Guild/event sticky is here:

Have at it! :D

Also, a little plug for Feathers' tavern night, Tuesdays 6:30 server in Booty Bay ^^
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100 Human Hunter
Thanks Zaranae! I am actually apart of the Feathers guild now and I am loving it!! Such wonderful and helpful people :D
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100 Worgen Warlock
Feathers is a good crowd.
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100 Draenei Warrior
You’ll like the Feathers, a great bunch of people. They run events (very well done too) which will introduce you to others in the community. They’re even patient enough to put up with me, that’s saying a lot. I suppose I’ll have to find someone else to be my minion. <eyes Valmy.. "A minion that summons minions, this is a win, win situation">.
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100 Worgen Warlock
<eyes Valmy.. "A minion that summons minions, this is a win, win situation">.

It's an imp swarm waiting to happen. Can't have that. No. Uh-uh. Nooooo way.
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