Half-breed RP

100 Human Rogue
Another neat article from Blizzardwatch (If you don't follow them you totally should >> Good stuff)


Answers a few questions on Worgens and has some neat info on half breeds that's worth reading if you play one/are thinking of playing one.
Edited by Kordrion on 8/29/2015 9:04 PM PDT
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100 Draenei Mage
Thanks for sharing!

I feel like a lot of people are unaware of the whole worgen reproduction thing, and it needs to be spread. A lot of important considerations for RP are hidden in those Dev Q &As.

I'm still really frustrated on how vague a lot of it is. I just don't want devs to make it more specific in the future so that stories people have created don't work anymore.
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100 Gnome Priest
That is some really fascinating stuff. Good info! Thanks for the link ^.^
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100 Draenei Shaman
WAIT! Worgen don't have litters of puppies? Not gonna lie. I'm kinda disappointed.
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100 Worgen Warlock
08/30/2015 05:22 PMPosted by Belpha
WAIT! Worgen don't have litters of puppies? Not gonna lie. I'm kinda disappointed.

Druids don't have litters of kittens, either.
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100 Draenei Paladin
08/30/2015 08:24 PMPosted by Valmy
08/30/2015 05:22 PMPosted by Belpha
WAIT! Worgen don't have litters of puppies? Not gonna lie. I'm kinda disappointed.

Druids don't have litters of kittens, either.

No Broodin kittens? Praise the light!
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100 Draenei Shaman
08/30/2015 08:24 PMPosted by Valmy
08/30/2015 05:22 PMPosted by Belpha
WAIT! Worgen don't have litters of puppies? Not gonna lie. I'm kinda disappointed.

Druids don't have litters of kittens, either.

Well. That's just false. I WON'T STAND FOR YOUR LIES! *hexes Valmy*
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