Looking for Roleplay Player

20 Human Mage
Anyone care to join me in RP and leveling? Preferably a RP-PVP realm, however Im willing for any.

I don't need a whole group but it would be very cool! Let's use no BoA's and quest the whole way to 100! A whole lifetime of RP awaits!

The theory? We learn the World of Warcraft as we play! Our characters know nothing except their simple backgrounds previous the start of the first quest. The quests will tell us the story, we simply react with our fellow players/friends and complete or move to a new zone!

Looking for new roleplayers or experienced, doesn't matter. Our characters will be simple in the start and the quests will guide us to our destiny. We'll follow those storylines.

We can make a guild, support each other with professions and specializations, and overall have a blast RPing the class and races Blizzard has put in the game for us to enjoy!
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20 Human Mage
You can add me if you're interested DrunkBadger#1569
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