Searching for an RP Partner for Adventures

100 Human Paladin
Greetings there everyone,

I was looking for an adventurous soul who would enjoy exploring and adventuring all over Azeroth and beyond in a continuous and long-term story line/rp.

I don't have a specific type of partner in mind though I do rather enjoy the idea of a comical nature between our two characters as we explore the world and get into all sorts of trouble... I mean adventures!

If you are interested in a friend you can rp and explore the world with feel free to leave me a message here, in-game, or leave me an in-game mail if I am not on.

*Disclaimer* I am no where near responsible for the well being of any adventurer who chooses to adventure with me and any damage one self is by their own choice and free will.
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100 Human Paladin
Just don't get into too much trouble! But seriously folks Hamzor is a great player with some good comedic timing. Someone come get into trouble with him! (but not so much that Gen has to fill out paperwork!)
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100 Gnome Priest
Adventure Time! \o/
*pulls on hat*
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100 Human Warrior
I literally just cancelled my sub for not being able to find anyone to rp with. I would be willing to adventure with you, if it works out well Id even resub. I will send you a letter in game.
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