Looking for an RP guild to call home. (Horde)

100 Blood Elf Warlock
Hello everyone! I'm (simi) new to the server and I've been looking into joining an RP guild but wanted to get some things set up first (Proper transmog set, level 100, ect.) As i near my goal i am hoping to find a good RP guild to join, I've been doing table top RP for years and playing WoW for years so i figured its time to combine the two! I have a detailed and well rounded background set up for the character (this warlock) and most of my transmog set (haven't transmoged it yet). Anyways if there are any RP heavy guilds out there who have room for a dark character and an experienced player (both RP'er and WoW raider) please respond here or add me to your friends list i'm on as much as i can manage. Hope to hear from people soon!
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100 Human Warrior
First off, welcome to CC/SoE! I'm afraid I don't know a lot about the Hordeside RP guilds, as I play almost entirely Alliance, but I do know a couple of good ones! The great thing about the RP community on this server is that you don't exactly need to be in a particular guild in order to participate in RP events.

Two good guilds I can think of off the top of my head that might work for a darker character are Modas il Toralar (talk to Trenetir), or Doomguard (Talk to Vaqnegh)

Otherwise, the helpful Hordeside RPers will be happy to help your character find a home :) /join HordeOOC and you'll find where all the RPers are hiding :)

Should you ever decide to roll blue side, same goes for /AllianceOOC

Good luck!
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100 Goblin Shaman
If you're around 7pm server time tonight, stop by Orgrimmar for the open Clinic held by Da Doctas near the Cataclysm portals. You'll meet some good folks. ^.^
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100 Orc Warlock
*a deep voice rumbles as if from the bowels of hell*
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