Cenarion Circle
Looking for the following classes and roles for HFC progression that will go into H HFC and hopefully Mythic in the future before legion drops. We will also be looking to clear H BRF to gear up anyone who needs pieces from there.
Raid Times:
Thursday 7:45pm - 10:00pm Server
Friday 7:45pm - 10:00pm Server
Sunday (Undefined) 3 hours
Available spots for:
1 Tank -------------- Have a paladin already
1-2 healers -------- Have a Disc priest already (High demand for a paladin)
3-4 Rdps ----------- All classes open
2-3 Mdps ----------- Have a warrior already
Loot Rules:
To be discussed with the full team before beginning first raid
Baseline Requirements
Item level of 675 minimum Knowledge of class and stat weights Basic raiding knowledge Not crazy serious Ability to attend raids Contact Me
Sanction-CenarionCircle whispering me is the best to get in touch with me
If im not on, please feel free to send me an in-game mail, i will respond as soon as i get it.
Looking for the following classes and roles for HFC progression that will go into H HFC and hopefully Mythic in the future before legion drops. We will also be looking to clear H BRF to gear up anyone who needs pieces from there.
Raid Times:
Thursday 7:45pm - 10:00pm Server
Friday 7:45pm - 10:00pm Server
Sunday (Undefined) 3 hours
Available spots for:
1 Tank -------------- Have a paladin already
1-2 healers -------- Have a Disc priest already (High demand for a paladin)
3-4 Rdps ----------- All classes open
2-3 Mdps ----------- Have a warrior already
Loot Rules:
To be discussed with the full team before beginning first raid
Baseline Requirements
Sanction-CenarionCircle whispering me is the best to get in touch with me
If im not on, please feel free to send me an in-game mail, i will respond as soon as i get it.
Edited by Sanction on 8/30/2015 10:52 AM PDT