Meet and Greet with the KME

100 Dwarf Warrior
The KME will be having a gathering Wednesday (the 16th) at 7pm server time. This will allow members to participate in a meet and greet for those who have not met, and also allow anyone interested in guild to come by and share a tale and ale with the guild. I look forward to seeing you all and hopefully some new faces.

So swing on by and listen to a old dwarf share his tales of life before the cataclysm or perhaps about the time he caught the whale shark as a lad but threw it back because it was too small. All in all it should be a good time.

Location: Bruuk's Tavern in the Military Ward of Iron Forge.
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100 Dwarf Paladin
I'm lookin' forward to et!
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100 Dwarf Warrior
I'm sorry about this but sadly due to a loss in the extended family I will not be in attendance tonight for the KME. I will contact Odin to see if he is willing to step up and host the event in my place. I will attempt to be online close the time of the event and be there but at this point and time I can not be 100% sure I'll be in attendance.
Edited by Breetie on 9/16/2015 12:09 PM PDT
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100 Dwarf Paladin
Of course I'll be there!

Sorry to hear about your loss. My deepest condolences.
Don't worry about being online. I'll make sure things are handled.
For everyone else, any questions or concerns feel free to contact me on bnet Caileanmor#1151 or in game mail/whisper on Ødin or Caileanmor.

Our weekly scheduled Sermon (on draenor?) is at 6pm realm (unless it was postponed w/o my knowing).
KME Meet an' Greet will follow immediately after at 7pm realm @ Bruuk's Corner in Ironforge.
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100 Dwarf Paladin
That was a great meeting! Thank you to everyone who stopped by, and thank you to everyone who hung out longer to trade stories!

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100 Dwarf Warrior
I would just like to echo Ødin's words and thank everyone who came by for our first Meet and Greet. Your support for a new and small guild is greatly appreciated. As I said last night I look forward to seeing you at future events both yours and ours.

Also if anyone has a dwarf/gnome alt who is looking for a resting place to share an adventure, drink some ale, and brag on themselves we are always looking for new friends with in the ranks.
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100 Dwarf Warrior
The KME will be hosting another Meet and Greet get together on Wednesday the 30th at 7pm server time. This time we will be meeting in Thelsamar in Loch Modan. I am hoping we have as good a turn out as last time if not better and look forward to seeing some new faces pop in.

So in recap, on the 30th at 6 pm, Conclave will be hosting their sermon in Stormwind, then after that jump over to Loch Modan for a reason to go to church next week... we are just trying to do our part.
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100 Dwarf Paladin
*stumbles into tread, banner tied on his back, sloshing his tankard of Barleybrew*

\o/ WOOOO!!!

*chugs tankard*
*passes out*
Edited by Ødin on 9/23/2015 4:24 PM PDT
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100 Dwarf Warrior
Once again thank you all that attended the meet and greet this evening. It never gets old seeing new rp'ers I have yet had a chance to meet before in game. Also the next meet and greet will be the 14th of October in Lakeshire. As always we will start around 7pm server time (following Conclave's sermon in Stormwind).

Looking forward to seeing some old and more new faces.
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100 Dwarf Paladin
Doh! How embarrashin'...hic!

*blinks blurry eye*

I... I emptied a f-few too many tankardsh at Brewfesht. Shoo many, in-in fact, that I passhed... I -paaaassed- plumb oot an' missed the meetin' in grand ol'Thelshamar. A real pity.

*turns over a tankard and gazes up into its emptiness, lost for a moment in another world*

Och. This... ish... a terrible turn of eventsh... hic! It... I sheemsh, there, that this... my tankard. Its Empty.
BARLEY BREW GOLD! I... I need'a wet me whistle. Where'd tha' gnome run off tae. Op! Thars me Wolpertinger!

*passes out in thread*

Edited by Ødin on 10/1/2015 10:59 AM PDT
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100 Dwarf Warrior
As always thanks to all that attended the KME's Meet and Greet. We had a nice little turn out and I got to meet a few new faces I hadn't meet face to face in game yet (which is always my favorite part). I'm already looking forward to the next one.

So thanks again for coming and I'll be posting a date for the next event. Hopefully we will see you then.
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