Silver Sickness - Cross-Faction/Realm RP!

100 Blood Elf Mage
I'd like to bring this to the attention of the roleplayers of Cenarion Circle and Sisters of Elune.

From the official site:
"The sickness is coming! Starting this October, a fan-made roleplay plot hits the Warcraft community. When an unexplained epidemic begins to creep across Azeroth, it’s up to heroes of both the Horde and Alliance to find a cure and stop the spread before it eclipses the world."

In short, this is an organized plot involving guilds from Wrymrest Accord, Moon Guard, Emerald Dream, Feathermoon, Cenarion Circle, and Sisters of Elune. The event is NOT my creation.
This is a great opportunity for you and your guilds to gain contacts with others across the WoW RP community.

What is Silver Sickness?

Silver Sickness is a magical disease taking hold on Azeroth. It seems to have a connection to the arcane, affecting Mages most strongly. Each time a spell is cast, or magic is drawn (actively or passively) from a source (Sunwell, moonwells, etc) there is a chance of contracting the disease. For the time being, it does not seem to infect others by proximity to an already-infected person.

What does it do?

The first signs of Silver Sickness are simple and easily misdiagnosed - nausea, headaches, muscle aches. Before long, however, a marking of blackish-blue flame takes hold of the hand. As the disease progresses, the flames creep up the arm. It is unknown at this time whether it is deadly, but it is likely.

What's the point?

In order to combat the disease, we must first find the cause and the method by which it spreads. This will be a cross-faction effort by many guilds and individuals.

Where can I find out more?
As the spearhead of the Doomguard's involvement, I have a lot of information. You can ask me in-game or here. If there is a question I can't answer, or if you wish to join, contact Silane-Wrymrest Accord or send a message to SilverSickness on Tumblr. I'm not sure if I can post links to other websites, but I can direct you to the official website (including the transcripts of two, 1 hour long Q&A sessions) if you contact me in-game.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
hmmm this sounds very very interesting. I do look forward to participating but I doubt Zurom himself will get the sickness, we has had enough time out of the picture with his broken ribs taking so long to heal.

09/25/2015 01:22 PMPosted by Lithliana
affecting Mages most strongly.

Although I do have an idea which of my toons can contract the disease to motivate the others involvement.
*maniacal laughter*
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100 Blood Elf Mage
Currently, Doomguard is the only guild from CC/SoE signed up. I'd really like to see some more join - including Alliance guilds. Everything starts October 1st, which is this Thursday.

Also, quick reminder that if you'd like to be involved, I strongly urge you to contact the event coordinator, Silane on Wyrmrest Accord. Even if your guild doesn't join, you can join as an individual. They call them "mercenaries" and you would be able to choose what plot points you want to work on with any guilds of your choice. It'd be polite to join if you're incorporating this into your RP. She's put a lot of time and effort into this, and she might not enjoy having her ideas taken.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
I would sign up my guilds. How would I go about doing that?
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100 Worgen Warlock
Is this still ongoing? I heard something about it at the Lounge night on Saturday, but beyond that...
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100 Undead Priest
It is.

Lithliana is a contact.

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100 Human Rogue
*goes to sign up the Bards*
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100 Blood Elf Mage
I heard about this from the leader of Doomguard, and will definitely be talking about it with my guild. Thank you for the info! Since my little mage Eleya runs weekly Storytellings, I suspect I'll need to find a way to keep the girl from getting sick.
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