A roleplaying community

100 Human Paladin
The dotOrg 3.0:

We have come a long way since the dotOrg first opened in 2012, and it is our hope that with this new iteration that our friends and companions on both servers (Cenarion Circle and Sisters of Elune) will be able to benefit from and enjoy the the site that has been created for them.


Character Profiles
    Character Blogs
    Group pages and discussions (Holy Light clergymen, SI:7, Mages of Dalaran,etc)
    Events Calendar
    Photo Galleries
    Profile Commenting
    Resource Dashboard
    Regular Roleplay Events List
    Guild Directory

If you have questions about how something works, please check the Getting Started Guide as many common issues are addressed there.

We are in the process of transferring user data from the old site to the new site. Please be patient with us.

This site is for you, the roleplayers of these servers. We hope that you make it your own.

Updated 10/6/15
Edited by Genevra on 10/10/2015 8:41 PM PDT
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100 Human Warlock
I know Gen's put in a HUGE amount of effort and sleepless nights putting this together, and it's fantastic to see this launch. Good luck!
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100 Human Paladin
Thanks Alelsa, if not for you and the other original creators it would not be a reality. We hope to keep the vision alive!
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100 Draenei Mage
I'm continually impressed by the hard work you put in for the community, Gen. If there's anyway I can help, let me know. Web hosting a site like that isn't free, and is time consuming. You shouldn't have to go at it alone. :)
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100 Human Paladin
Thank you everyone for your support! It has been nice to see the site grow over the last couple of weeks! We are ever working to improve things for you all!

Profile commenting, a much loved feature of the original dotOrg has been restored. You can find more information about it here:
Edited by Genevra on 10/1/2015 5:37 PM PDT
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100 Gnome Mage
People should use the website *nods* A lot of work was put into it and we shouldn't let it go to waste! Besides, I actually use that one far more than the official forums >.>
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100 Draenei Warrior
This needs a sticky
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100 Human Paladin
More features are being added regularly. These have been added today and are both accessible on the front page of the site.

Resource Dashboard -
Regular Roleplay Events List -

Thank you to everyone has supported the site so far. There is still the huge task of the data transfer from the old site, but one thing at a time.
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100 Human Paladin
Guild Directories of active RP guilds on both servers have been added. If we are missing a guild please post on the correct page.
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100 Human Paladin
We have recently made the following updates:

5 new columns (some weekly others monthly) written by roleplayers from CC/SoE have started to be published, the first of which is All Things Roleplay written by Caileanmor-CenarionCircle.

Blogs: Users can now add a link to their blog on their character profile.

Events: Events can now be set to recurring.

As always we welcome all roleplayers from CC/SoE to make the site their own. If you have any questions or requests for things on the site, I'll do my best to sort it out.
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100 Human Paladin
Check out the latest addition to the weekly column: All Things Roleplay in World of Warcraft by Caileanmor.
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100 Human Paladin
The first business expose and review has been added!

Checkout Lana's Looking For Trade with it's first visit to Jekab's Smithy!

Additionally, the old dotOrg, located at will be closing down this Friday. I have made every effort to relocate stories, forums, and blogs (we are about half way done with the blog copy over), but if you have a character who is only located over there you will want to get their data transferred over, or get with me to do that for you. (The sheer nature of the old site's profile system and the new profile system prevent a mass migration.)

You can view the blog archives here:

I will be sure to post both on the site and here when that migration is complete.
Edited by Genevra on 1/23/2016 3:33 PM PST
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