How to create a Quel'Dorei on Alliance!

90 Blood Elf Hunter
Hi there!

If you've been playing on Alliance side, your eyes may have caught what appears to be a Blood Elf in a Stormwind Union uniform, or some other transmogs. That person is likely me, Cyndine, on my Alliance-side alt!

More recently, you may have noticed that the 'blood elf' you see actually has blue eyes. This took a lot of work, with experimentation, and the tips and help from some of those on the Alliance OOC channel. I wanted to thank them publicly here, but I also wanted to share how I pulled it off, in case anyone is wanting to pull this off themselves. Cyndine's lonely...she'd love to have company!

First off, I'd like to warn you all that pulling this off requires a lot of work, a lot of patience, and a lot of effort. It does pay off, though - my most rewarding roleplay moments were from working on this entire setup - so if you're willing to make the effort to do this, then I suggest you do so. :)

So, how to do this? Read on!


'Easy' Mode: Using the Blood Elf model with no eye modifications.

1) Create a Level 70 or higher character of your choice (my recommendation is a Night Elf).

2) Obtain the Orb of the Sin'dorei ( from Magister's Terrace. Note that once you get this item on one character, it will apply to all characters, as it is a Toy.

3) Obtain some Reflecting Prisms (, either through the Auction House, or through Draenor Jewelcrafting (the blueprint is sold by the Jewelcrafting NPC in your Garrison).

4) Create a Starter Edition account, and create a Level 20 Gnome Rogue (lower levels also work, but if you're roleplaying in a large group, characters under level 20 cannot be raided, and characters above level 20 cannot be played without a sub. The reason why it's a Gnome and a Rogue specifically, is because they're small and out of the way, and they can stay invisible for the entire time, making it far less distracting than an actual character would).

With these steps, you can move on to the actual illusion part!

1) Create a group with your Starter Account character, and have him/her set to follow (and be invisible so he's not distracting).

2) Add the Reflecting Prism to your inventory, and create a shortcut on your action bar (preferably one with a keyboard shortcut).

3) Set up your transmogs, and activate your Orb of the Sin'dorei.

3) When 3-4 minutes elapse on the illusion, activate the Reflecting Prism twice in a row, which will transfer the current illlusion to the Gnome, and back again.

4) When 3-4 minutes elapse on the Reflecting Prism, activate the Reflecting Prism twice in a row, which will transfer the current illlusion to the Gnome, and back again. This refreshes the countdown. Repeat this step indefinitely until you're done what you're doing.

The reason for the Reflecting Prism is because the Orb of the Sin'dorei has a 30 minute cooldown, and a 5 minute runtime, whereas the Reflecting Prism has a 5 minute runtime, and no cooldown. If you forget to activate your Reflecting Prism in time, and enough time has elapsed, simply reactivate the Orb, and you'll be back to normal. :) Just try to avoid doing it while your Orb is on cooldown for obvious reasons.


Continued on next post...
Edited by Cyndine on 10/2/2015 1:03 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Hard mode: Adding blue eyes to the mix.

I've been wanting Cyndine with blue eyes for the longest time. Here's how I pull it off. Keep in mind that true High-Elf eyes are currently impossible in WoW, and this is the closest you'll get to pulling it off in the current state of the game. Note that some of these steps are identical to the Easy Mode won't need to repeat them for Hard mode.

1) Create a Death Knight, and level him/her to level 70.

2) Collect armor transmogs for both the source (Death Knight) and destination (character). Though in theory you can get away with it applied to just the Death Knight, you will want the extra insurance, as well as the flexibility to change on the fly without reloading your Death Knight.

3) Obtain the Orb of the Sin'dorei ( from Magister's Terrace. Note that once you get this item on one character, it will apply to all characters, as it is a Toy.

4) Obtain some Reflecting Prisms (, either through the Auction House, or through Draenor Jewelcrafting (the blueprint is sold by the Jewelcrafting NPC in your Garrison).

5) Create a Starter Edition account, and create a Level 20 Gnome Rogue (lower levels also work, but if you're roleplaying in a large group, characters under level 20 cannot be raided, and characters above level 20 cannot be played without a sub. The reason why it's a Gnome and a Rogue specifically, is because they're small and out of the way, and they can stay invisible for the entire time, making it far less distracting than an actual character would).

With these steps, you can move on to the actual illusion part!

1) Log in with your Death Knight, and set up the mogs the way you want it (note the weapons do NOT transfer over, so make sure the only character that has the weapon mogs is the destination. Because Death Knights are able to wear any kind of armor, this gives you a lot of flexibility to what classes you apply this patch to.

2) Create a group with your Starter Account character, and have him/her set to follow (and be invisible so he's not distracting).

3) Add the Reflecting Prism to your inventory, and create a shortcut on your action bar (preferably one with a keyboard shortcut).

4) Set up your transmogs, and activate your Orb of the Sin'dorei on the Death Knight.

5) Activate the Reflecting Prism once, so that the image is transferred to the Gnome.

6) Log out of the Death Knight.

7) Log into the destination character.

8) Activate the Reflecting Prism once, transferring the image to the destination character.

9) When 3-4 minutes elapse on the Reflecting Prism, activate the Reflecting Prism twice in a row, which will transfer the current illlusion to the Gnome, and back again. This refreshes the countdown. Repeat this step indefinitely until you're done what you're doing.


Additional notes, bugs, and flaws;

- When the Orb is the primary illusion (ie. prior to using the Prism), any mogs you change will stick when using the Reflecting Prism. However, whenever you activate the Reflecting Prism, then change your mogs afterward, when swapping between the Gnome, you'll find it reloads the originally loaded Mogs when you first activated the illusion.

- If the above bug occurs, you can switch between mog sets, and, assuming all the slots are filled on both mogs, you should be able to 'reset', which will save you from having to reload it from scratch. However, it is damn inconvenient.

- The benefit of the 'Easy' method is that you don't need to switch between characters. Additionally, you can swap mogs by simply reactivating the Orb, after cancelling the Reflecting Prism.

- The benefit of the Hard method, is that the duration is frozen while you are logged out. That means that if you mess up, you can log into your Death Knight, and the Orb will still be active, and chances are if 30 minutes have elapsed, the Orb's cooldown will also be reset!

- A major drawback of the Hard method, is that if you run out of time before you refresh the illusion, you'll have to reload the Death Knight, and re-transfer the illusion, whereas the 'Easy' mode you simply need to reactivate the Orb. Conversely, if the cooldown on the Orb is not completed, the Easy mode is actually worse.

- If you're playing an actual Death Knight, you can obviously skip Hard mode.

- If you want to play a Quel'dorei on Horde side, these steps should also work. In fact, it's easier, because you can simply create a Blood Elf, instead of needing to use the Orb, to create the illusion with the Reflecting Prism. The rest of the steps remain the same.

Well, I hope this gives everyone some ideas. :) I've put a lot of effort into my Quel'dorei, and I hope to see some awesome roleplay in the future! :D
Edited by Cyndine on 10/8/2015 8:45 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Hm...turns out that my link was not sharing properly. Fixed now.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
The effort that goes into this is incredible. A boost for any Quel'dorei out there. Thank you so much for sharing!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
could always also get a mage to use illusion on a belt player in a neutral city. But I have thought of using this method to make a malarian quel'dorei. Ask around on my Goblin mage Swizelle has been abusing the heck out of reflecting prisms for transformations. SWIZELLE MISTRESS OF POLYMORPHS BOW TO HER POWA.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Thanks for the feedback, you two! :)

Zurom - Unfortunately, the only way to use the Reflecting Prisms, is if you're grouped with the person. This eliminates the possibility to do a cross-faction reflection. So, for Alliance, you need to use the Orb of the SIn'dorei.

Also...I should point out that this exact method can be used for any other Horde race (or Alliance if you're Horde), by using the Orb of Deception. As well, the Orb of Deception can be used as an alternative to the Orb of the Sin'dorei, if you're playing a Draenei. :)

Also, should I request a sticky? :D
Edited by Cyndine on 10/7/2015 9:47 PM PDT
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I'm happy to see the Orb + Reflecting Prism method is taking off!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
That sounds soooo tempting I want nothing more then a alliance high elf, I just wish it was a little more practical. I assume you would have to stay grouped with your trial char, so questing and doing dungeons as a alliance high elf would be out of the question?
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60 Troll Warlock
Very clever... Very very clever!
Now you've got me wondering if I can handle this to play my troll with Alliance folks...
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Kailell - It's highly impractical to use the illusion for questing and dungeoning, unless one of your buddies wants to be your illusion anchor. As for trial characters, they can be a max level of 20, which is, conveniently, the minimum level to group into raid.

Yomba - I'd love to see it. :D
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
thank you for the reply, and big props to this, im always a big supporter of alliance high elves =)
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