[A] Chaos Unsion, 2/13 Mythic

100 Night Elf Hunter
Greetings Cenarion Circle friends! I come to you from the far away land of Fizzcrank/Aggramar to offer an opportunity for Mythic raiding! Our raiding roster has felt the whip of the harsh September school mistress and we have found ourselves in need of dedicated raiders who want to help us move forward in our Mythic progression. We are an Alliance only guild, and this opportunity would require you to server transfer (and Faction change, if Horde) to Fizzcrank. Our realm is small, and we are one of only two Mythic guilds currently. If the big fish in a small pond analogy appeals to you, you may just like it here!

Our details are below. I hope to chat with some of you shortly!
Sincerely, Èli (AustinS#1445)

*Heroic cross realm try outs will be required*

<Chaos Unison> offers you Mythic progression raiding! From humble beginnings in 2012, we have grown from a small group of friends puging our raids to a guild that is competitive on our combined realm rankings! Our philosophy is two fold: Make progress and have fun! If you enjoy memes about pugs, think spandex is sexy, and enjoy a raid atmosphere that is both serious and laid back at the same time (yes, it's a paradox, don't question it!), then we might be the guild for you :-D

  • 2/13 Mythic Hellfire Citadel
  • 13/13 Heroic Hellfire Citadel
  • Raid Days:
  • Progression on Tuesday & Thursday
  • Alt Heroic on Saturday
  • Raid Times: 6:45-10:30pm server (Central)

    Ideal Applicants (that's you!)
    We are seeking exceptional players for Mythic progression! There is a place on our team for you if you are...
      Dedicated and reliable
      Skilled at playing your character
      Skilled at mastering raid mechanics
      Positive in stressful situations
      Willing to put the betterment of your team above your own personal gain
      Patient and willing to put in the time and effort needed to down difficult content
      Looking to have fun and make some great friends

    Immediate Openings
    We encourage any player who believes they have something to offer our group to contact us, regardless of our immediate needs. We have immediate open spots for the following class/specs:

      Blood Death Knight

      Rogue- Any Spec
      Warlock- Any Spec
      Hunter- Marksmen
      Death Knight- Frost

      Mistweaver Monk
      Restoration Shaman

    Please visit our website at www.chaosunison.com and take a look through our policies. If everything sounds good to you, feel free to contact one of our officers in game or submit an application.

    If you have additional questions feel free to ask! Please contact a member of our leadership team in game!
  • Èli (B-Tag: AustinS#1445)
  • Rhak (B-Tag: Rhak#1213)
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    100 Draenei Mage
    Please don't post guild recruitment threads on other server forums. Use the guild recruiting forum.
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    100 Human Rogue
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